Tag: orgasm

  • I have lost my ability to have an orgasm

    [ad_1] I (24m) have had this issue few weeks now ,every time I have masterbate or have sex with my boyfriend I physically ejaculate but don’t have an orgasm. It does not matter the type of sex, porn or no porn. First I thought possibly stress, but there is nothing stressful happening in my life…

  • 18M and can’t ejaculate/reach orgasm consciously

    [ad_1] Hi, I’m an 18 year old male and have had this problem ever since entering puberty. I enjoy looking at porn sometimes, yeah I get erections from it, and yeah I masturbate sometimes, but I’ve never ejaculated or achieved orgasm through masturbation. I say “consciously” in the title because I have had wet dreams…

  • I can’t orgasm during sex and I can’t figure out why

    [ad_1] I am 20F and my partner is 20M. I have slept with about 6 people in my life (all men) and I have never been able to achieve an orgasm with sex ever. However, I can achieve an orgasm by myself. I think the way that I masturbate might be the issue. I cannot…

  • There seems to be a stigma that if a woman can’t orgasm during sex it means that the guy is bad at sex.

    [ad_1] It seems to me that the general consensus is if a woman can’t orgasm during sex it means that the guy is bad at sex. But it’s not always that simple. From my experience there’s 3 components that will determine if she has an orgasm. The first one is some women cum very easily.…

  • Can’t orgasm with my bf, only when I’m alone

    [ad_1] We tried fingering, oral, fingering + oral, anal, rubbing clit, even vibrator doesn’t work. I can only orgasm when he isn’t in the same room as me. It’s so frustrating seeing him orgasm multiple times, now I find masturbation better than sex. I’m never satisfied and I’m afraid it’ll ruin our relationship. [ad_2] View…

  • Her (F30) vagina pushes me (M30) out every time she’s about to orgasm

    [ad_1] I’ve been with my partner a while now and have this problem where as soon as she is about to orgamsm her vagina pushes me out of her and I mean every time so you can imagine it can be frustrating. Some info, I am quite Large down there, mainly thick so I’m wondering…

  • masturbating feels too stimulating and can’t orgasm

    [ad_1] I (20 F), whenever I masturbate, i tend to focus on my clit as it feels the best, (whenever I try to finger myself due to the angle my wrist starts paining, so i avoid it), but i feel that i haven’t ever had an orgasm. so what happens is like this- when i…

  • I cant make my gf orgasm

    [ad_1] Its embarrassing for me to say this but we’ve been together for almost 5 years and I havent been able to make her orgasm. She said it was ok and still enjoy our intimacy. I asked her how she masterbate and make herself orgasm and she said that even herself cant reach orgasm. We’ve…

  • what is a female orgasm actually like?

    [ad_1] I’m F20 and I’m unsure if i’ve ever experienced an orgasm. I’ve had people describe it as a release and you go all shakey. I’ve been dating my bf M22 for a year and, although it’s pleasurable, I haven’t been able to get the big “finish”, even just by myself. I know there’s different…

  • Tips for helping someone relax enough to have a prostate orgasm?

    [ad_1] Today my husband and I are going to (attempt to) give him a prostate orgasm. We have an aneros that he’s used many times, but he’s really too impatient to actually finish with it. He always finishes with his hand. I’ve read up and I’m planning to really pamper him (wake him up with…

  • How frequently do you orgasm with Cunnilingus?

    [ad_1] I (M29) feel very insecure and pressured when giving head to my (F25) partner, not sure what I’m doing. I’ve managed to make her orgasm with oral/fingers, but never using my mouth only. [ad_2] View Reddit by dardan05 – View Source