Tag: Orgasming

  • Why do my eyes cry when I’m close to orgasming ?

    [ad_1] Idk if this is just a women thing or not, but whenever I’m really close OR if it just feels REALLY good, my eyes always start to.. kind of cry I guess ? It’s like I’m crying but I’m not meaning too? Does anyone else have this happen to them? I’ve always wondered why…

  • If I’m having trouble orgasming due to having a tight grip while masturbating how long should I abstain?

    [ad_1] I sometimes have trouble orgasming with my partner. I think a large part of that is from me masturbating for so long with a tight grip. How should I go back to ‘resetting’? Is a sex toy that has less grip a good idea? Thanks. [ad_2] View Reddit by 729R729 – View Source

  • Why did i cry after orgasming with my bf?

    [ad_1] I’ve never done that before and I wasn’t sad at all I have never had an orgasm that intense before This was our first time having sex since our big fight and I was also on my period, so maybe it was just a mix of all the emotions? Im not sure [ad_2] View…

  • Does it feel like you’re about to pee when you are close to orgasming? (F)

    [ad_1] I’ve recently been getting sexually active for the first time with my boyfriend. He’s given me oral and fingered me many times but when he fingers me it constantly feels like I need to pee and the feeling becomes more intense overtime. I have to tell him to stop in fear that I may…

  • Having a hard time orgasming with my partner

    [ad_1] I’m a 22 year old trans man and have been dating a guy for a few weeks now. I had not had sex or many sexual experiences up until then, but I have plenty of experience masturbating and using a dildo. I can orgasm during that. My partner and I have been getting more…

  • Crying after orgasming

    [ad_1] I’ve been with my partner for almost 2 years now and he (28m) is someone I (27f) want to be with for the rest of my life. I can’t remember when it started during our relationship, but after sex, specifically when I finish, I cry. This has only happened with him, but it’s never…

  • Orgasming too quickly as an AFAB person during masturbation?

    [ad_1] Oh wow look another post asking about orgasming too quick, I know I know, it’s repetitive but I don’t really know where else to turn. All my life up to the past couple of months, I’ve had awesome, earth-shattering orgasms masturbating solo. I don’t use toys or anything fancy, just me and my fingers.…