Tag: Partner

  • Anyone been with a partner and visited a pro mistress shall we say?

    [ad_1] Let me explain from the top. This would all be with communication and consent with partner. Lightly discussed previously The reason I ask is because I have a great relationship with my wife. We are so close. Like all relationships there is some smaller things that cause friction. Honestly nothing to complain about thankfully.…

  • Need advice on intimacy with a partner who is new to sex

    [ad_1] Hey guys, I’m in a bit of a dilemma and could really use some advice and guidance on improving my sex life. Recently, I started dating a guy who was a virgin before we got together, and while I’m excited about our relationship, we’re encountering some challenges in the bedroom. The main issue is…

  • Need help communicating to partner how to better go down on me

    [ad_1] Hey everyone, I’ll get right into it. I have a new sexual partner and he’s sooo fun. We share a lot of turn-ons, and he’s very attractive + SO good at getting me going. Such a good kisser, we both love to slowly warm each other up, it feels amazing and he really does…

  • So sensitive I fight my partner off?

    [ad_1] 20s female. Im not sure if I’ve ever reached orgasm, when my partner touches me, the feeling gets so intense that I can’t stand it and I push them away and sometimes get involuntarily violent about it 😆 I’m not sure if I do this because I’m about about orgasm, or because I have.…

  • I 23F can’t orgasm anymore or get wet, even though I am extremely attracted to my partner 25M

    [ad_1] TL/DR I will try and summarise best I can, but as the title says I 23F am having really bad issues when it comes to getting wet or orgasming, alone or with my partner. I feel bad for it, he feels guilty and feels like he is doing something wrong. We have been together…

  • Feeling disconnected from partner after sex

    [ad_1] Let me start by saying I love my boyfriend, but recently sex has begun to feel like a “me-centered” experience. We’re both 19 and have been dating for a year, but I’m still awkward and nervous and can’t seem to relax. He always offers to eat me out and stuff but when it comes…

  • How can I F19 curve the urge to have sex with my partner NB-19 who is not ready

    [ad_1] TLDR: I want to please my partner but they aren’t ready how do i get rid of the urge? Me and my partner have been dating for four months and they want to wait to have sex. I’m a bit different but I completely understand that and I don’t want to pressure them. I…

  • how do i help my partner feel like they have a penis?

    [ad_1] heya, reddit. i (30/mab) am seeing a non-binary person (35/fab) — let’s call them D. D and i were recently talking and they expressed wanting to “feel like they had a penis”. they went on to express that they sometimes enjoy to “feel” like they have a penis, including enjoying “feeling like a guy”…

  • I feel like im losing interest in sex with my partner

    [ad_1] Me and my girlfriend are both are first time in everything. So very inexperienced. We usually do a bit of foreplay and have casually sex. I feel like i miss the excitement. I feel like its just both reaching finish line been satisfied done. I need more passion to get excited.. and here is…

  • Need advice on how to painlessly ride my partner

    [ad_1] See, the thing is, I can ride my partner, but they’re very thin. As in has little to no body fat or muscle mass(they struggle to gain either of the two.) Unfortunately, because of that, that does mean they’re a bit boney. Their hip bones tend to protrude a bit when laying down completely…

  • Potential partner said he would never go down on a woman.

    [ad_1] I (34f) have been casually dating someone (33m) for a few months, but feel like I might need to break it off due to sexual incompatibility. We haven’t had sex yet, but we’ve messed around. I have given him head a few times and he has gotten me off once with his hand. We’ve…