Tag: piv

  • Piv hurts but didn’t always hurt

    [ad_1] My husband and I have been sexually active for a few years now and for the first 6 months PIV did not hurt. After 6 months piv sex started to hurt but it wasn’t really what it is now. It was uncomfortable and we had to avoid certain positions Now, a few years later…

  • Ideas to cum during PIV as a woman?

    [ad_1] I figured out from my FWB that I can cum during PIV without having to touch myself, as long as he grinds against my clit during PIV. I’m wondering if there any other things I could also try during PIV to cum hands-free? I’ve been wondering about vibrating cock rings and if that would…

  • Advice on PIV

    [ad_1] So today was her last visiting day and she’s going back to her town. It’s gonna be a month until we see each other again. We were just taking a nap and sexy time started happening. Then i went in after some foreplay and bam, i started feeling the fella less and less hard.…

  • how long did it take you to o piv with partner?

    [ad_1] i (f22) finally found a partner that i feel more comfortable sexually with than anyone i’ve ever been with. he makes me finish ridiculously fast every way except piv. i have felt the feeling of getting very very close but i lose it before he even finishes so i think it’s mostly a mental…

  • Piv doesn’t feel good for me?

    [ad_1] Been with my girlfriend for around 3 years now, and we have sex pretty frequently (whenever she wants tbh lol, she’s the higher libido) I’ve never really enjoyed it though; piv is what she wants most, and it just doesn’t feel good for me. I don’t feel much pleasure/sensation beyond “something wet is around…

  • Priming the clit before a pounding makes PIV sex feel so good.

    [ad_1] Today was something special. Since sex was schedule we both knew that we were both going to get laid in the next two hours. About 30 minutes before I took out my vibrator and primed my pussy. After the necessary foreplay when we finally got into the act and we mostly do missionary within…

  • Need help with first time PIV as a couple

    [ad_1] I M(22) and my girlfriend F(22) have been in a good healthy relationship for a year now . One day she asked me out if I will be ok if we made things more intimate . And I gave a big yes to it . Both of us are virgins and my girlfriend has…

  • I [F22] only had anal ever since I was sexually active. But had PIV recently and having trouble enjoying it

    [ad_1] So I’m used to the sensations of anal, and wanna have more vaginal with my SO, but it’s not something I’m able to enjoy quite yet. Was anyone else in a similar scenario? I’ve been having anal only since I was 18, and it took a while to enjoy for that too, but I…

  • my [18F] bf[20M] cant cum from PIV

    [ad_1] We have been sexually active for a year, but since we dont live together we go weeks/months without sex and then when we spend a couple of days togheter alone we do it like 4 times a day. everytime we have PIV sex he either goes soft while inside me or fucks me for…

  • Never had an piv orgasm. There’s something wrong with me?

    [ad_1] Just for contest I’m 24f now. I’m having sex since I was 17 and I never had an piv orgasm. Already had amazing partners but it never happened. I try doing myself but I don’t like my fingers inside, when my partner fingered me it’s okay but sometimes weird, not exactly something that I…

  • I finally gave her an orgasm! After a year of dating, today I figured out she can cum from PIV sex. I wanna make sure she cums everytime from now. What to do?

    [ad_1] I(24m) have been trying to get my gf(24f) to finish for almost a year. We had many things to figure out. At first we had a dryness and pain problem. Fixed it with lube. Now today I gave her a massage with massage oil/lube and she was quite turned on by it. She pulled…