Tag: squirting

  • What’s squirting feel like?

    [ad_1] This is for the ladies here, I’m genuinely curious what exactly does squirting feel like to you? Is it the same as orgasming or different and do you use specific toys to make it happen? My girlfriend and I use a magic wand and she’s had the urge to pee before and we stopped…

  • Is squirting enjoyable for both parties?

    [ad_1] What do men think of squirting? Hi, honestly this post is just to calm myself down. I recently entered a serious relationship, and honestly I’m more than satisfied with my sex life. However, my partner is the second sexual partner I’ve ever had, and with him is the first time I’ve ever squirted. Tbh…

  • Squirting when he fingers my ass

    [ad_1] I’ve managed to squirt a few times, not that I have any control over it. I’ve realised that in most occasions he was sucking my clit and decided to finger my ass at the same time, that’s when it happens. The pleasure I get with it is amazing. He’s suggested to literally fuck me…

  • Are there certain body types prone to squirting.

    [ad_1] Granite most the women attracted to me are a bit thicker but it seems like most the women that actually squirt aren’t the super skinny ones. Even in the subs about squirting most of the skinny girls that post don’t seem to be real squirting. Like they are fake and doing it for subscribers…

  • Am I squirting or just losing control of my bladder?

    [ad_1] I recently got a new vibrator that’s really strong. The hitachi magic wand from amazon. I noticed when I used it, it was giving me the sensation to pee. So I went and emptied my bladder. I used it on the highest setting again after emptying my bladder and liquid came out of me,…

  • Embarrassing Question? – Squirting with an overactive bladder

    [ad_1] This is an embarrassing question for me. Please be nice in comments. My partner (M19) and I (F21) have been together for a while but we’re long distance so we only get to see each other irl every couple/few months. So basically… he’s into squirting. I’ve never done this with him, but I have…

  • Why am I suddenly squirting?

    [ad_1] This is quite a strange question but I basically never squirted before – did not think it was possible for me to squirt and this isn’t just a question of technique because guys have tried to make me squirt in the past and have failed. I was having sex for about 4 years and…

  • Any tips on squirting?

    [ad_1] Hello everyone! So, I guess the title says it all. I (25F) have only squirted a handful of times, and I’d really like some tips and tricks on how to make it happen more often. For myself, clitoral stimulation makes me squirm like crazy, often causing me to “lose” it when I’m about to…

  • How to stop squirting during sex?

    [ad_1] As the title states I(27f) am looking for advice on how to stop squirting during sex. I never used to do this, then over the summer our sex life improved greatly but I also began to have female ejaculations. While my fiancé says it’s hot I absolutely hate the aftermath. I hate having to…

  • Tips for squirting?

    [ad_1] My Gf wants to learn squirting but she didn‘t manage to do it yet. She says she is super relaxed every time and she told me several times before, that she feels like she had to pee but it didn‘t happen. Any advice for beginners? ignore my grammar please 🙂 [ad_2] View Reddit by…

  • I need advice about squirting

    [ad_1] Ladies, I need help. Well, I could use some tips from guys too. I don’t know how to squirt and I want to know if I’m physically able to. I just got a vibrator yesterday and have yet to try it being as my boyfriend currently had it so he could make sure it…