Tag: Virginity

  • I lost my virginity today 🙂

    [ad_1] I (18M) lost my virginity to my wonderful girlfriend (18F) just a few hours ago. She was amazing and I did far better than expected. She has some experience, so I was a bit nervous, but she assured me I did alright. I lasted far linger than I thought. I did try to go…

  • lost my virginity at 19 and parents found out

    [ad_1] i come from a mix of traditional and liberal hispanic family and about to turn 19 in march. I have always made sure to follow my parents rules while in highschool by not sneaking out with guys or skipping school and instead focus on my grades that I graduated as salutatorian with a full…

  • Heavy bleeding after losing virginity

    [ad_1] 22F. I recently had sex for the first time. At first, it was painful, but later on, the pain subsided. In the middle of it, I felt a sudden gush of blood. I immediately went to the bathroom and saw blood trickling my thighs it was not the usual period blood that I had,…

  • Is lube 100% necessary when losing virginity?

    [ad_1] Pretty straightforward question: my gf (F18) and I (18M) are planning to take each other’s virginity We talked about it a lot and I’d say that all the “theoretical” stuff is done lol However I was wondering, on a more practical level: is lube 100% needed? Because rn I already bought the condoms but…

  • Throw away acc- i might be in a situation to loose my virginity soon and I’m really nervous.. can I get some advice

    [ad_1] A couple days ago a very attractive old friend texted me flirtatiously and because I have shunned myself from every even semi romantic opportunity for the last like 3 1/2 years I have no idea what to do I don’t even know how to flirt back- I’m like really nervous and wanna know what…

  • Just loose my virginity and…

    [ad_1] Just loosing my virginity and… hello, so today i had my first sex of my life with a great girl. Except that the problem is that I had no pleasure. I didn’t orgasm in 30 minutes. In fact I feel like I take more pleasure in masturbating than in making love. Namely that I…

  • advice for losing virginity

    [ad_1] I a (young adult male) probably will lose my virginity tomorrow night, and I am freaking out. I’m worried I won’t be able to finish (have never orgasmed when masturbating before ever, only came in wet dreams). I’m also worried I won’t be aroused enough. Advice? [ad_2] View Reddit by EffectiveHistorian7 – View Source

  • Does female virginity affect oral contraceptives at all?

    [ad_1] Hello everyone. I’m female (19) and about to have intercourse for the first time in a couple days. BF and I plan on using condoms (already bought) but my mother insists I should try the pill. She called her gynecologist (currently out of town) by herself and the gyn claimed there’s “first time pregnancy…

  • took my virginity and left me, what now?

    [ad_1] I posted here a little over a week ago about how I felt like the guy who took my virginity was drifting and wasn’t into me. Well I was up front with him and told him I wanted an explanation, I eventually got a response that he didn’t think things were going to work…

  • Do you still have feelings for the one who took your virginity?

    [ad_1] As the title states, I am just trying to get different thoughts and perspectives. Thank you! [ad_2] View Reddit by Due-Expert8052 – View Source

  • Men, when you lost your virginity, did you tell the girl it was your first time or not? And why?

    [ad_1] Trying to get an idea as to how to go about it myself. What were your first experiences like, and did you tell the girl it was your first time or not? What were your reasons? How did it go? This isn’t a post for judging anyone, btw. Anyone who didn’t let the partner…