Talked with my mom after she walked in on my boyfriend and I pegging this morning, but there’s still some fires to put out


I made a post earlier today talking about how my mom walked in on me pegging my boyfriend this morning. The situation has updated and I could still use some advice.

So my mom came home and I put my pride aside and asked if I could talk to her. We sat down and had a conversation about privacy and knocking, and she told me she respected me and my boyfriend and our privacy and was very sorry for intruding on our “private time” and she promised she’d knock in the future and she even offered to buy us a lock. For real. It was a really lovely conversation and I told her I love her and forgave her and she gave me a big hug. Then she chuckled and told me she was actually very happy for us that we were “taking care of each other and keeping each other happy” since that’s an important part of every relationship…thanks mom.

While that went well…my boyfriend is still extremely mortified and embarrassed. He’s been on and off crying all day because she saw him like that and he said I’m the only person in the entire world who knows he likes having things inserted into him and he “wasn’t ready for anyone else to know.” He hasn’t left our room the entire day and I’ve had to bring food up to him because he is WAY too ashamed to show his face around her.

I don’t know what I can do to help and I don’t know if there’s anything I can do, but I’m worried about him.

If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

EDIT: some things very very important I probably should’ve disclosed:

1. My boyfriend is on the autism spectrum so when he’s in stressful situations sometimes he has trouble functioning in a composed manner.

2. My boyfriend grew up in an extremely religious and abusive household where anything related to sex was forbidden and it pushed a lot of sexual shame onto him.

3. My boyfriend was sexually abused as a child. I think that speaks for itself.


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