Terror In The Family – Playlists

Stephanie and Todd Marten are so worried about the rebellious behavior of their oldest daughter they fail to notice that their …







41 responses to “Terror In The Family – Playlists”

  1. Martha Mack Avatar

    "I didn't do anything." Yeah, right. She hit her mother swinging a phone around, she threatened her family members with a knife. That IS "doing" something. She threatened to file a false police report accusing her father of attempted rape. THAT is "doing something." She DID belong in jail. Then her ENABLING mother is determined to prevent her from facing the consequences of her actions. Just a movie, but it happens, especially the multi-generation violence & alcoholism.

  2. Kahlina Santana Avatar

    I would had pressed charges with that little biotch and kick her out!

  3. brian donaldson Avatar

    Just have Grandma move in she will fix it 😂

  4. The Real Deal Avatar

    I’m glad that the son/brother called the cops. It should have been done sooner when she injured her father’s hand. I understand why their parents wanted to break the cycle of their upbringing and being better parents for their kids. But being their best friends is not a way to do it. I know I’m not a parent but I sure as hell would grab my kid by their hair after they slapped me and took everything but their bed mattress out of their room, nailed down the window and lock them in their room for the next few days. I’d never let my kid hit me the way she hits her parents. If I even threatened to do what she did, my parents would have put me 8 feet in the ground. I’ll leave it at that. Good film with a meaningful message. Thanks for uploading.

  5. Serenityarrow Avatar

    God i wish my dad was open to going to family therapy.

  6. Serenityarrow Avatar

    Okay if im in my late 30s and grandma wants to square up like that, id slap her right back.

  7. Serenityarrow Avatar

    Lmao the enabling behavior is making me so mad. i would have been kicked out and shunned if i laid hands on my mom. And if i laid hand on my dad, I think i would have been killed.

  8. nmand Avatar

    what a sad story. couldn't stop crying at the end(last 20 minutes)

  9. Mariam Eaton Avatar

    This movie is right , what samebody make your family broke heart and allways this is true story them make howbut samebody longtime a go.

  10. JAH-GANTIC GANG😘 Avatar

    The black womeninme was so mad watching this! She would have called 911 herself to take her 😅

  11. Nicole Clay Avatar

    all that for a cruddy boy that cheated on her the minute she got locked up.. go figure!

  12. catatainment Avatar

    This is the DUMBEST movie I've ever seen 🤣

  13. Chiri Berry Avatar

    Yo she’s crazy she just smacking her mom like this is a regular thing her father need to whoop her ssa and she needs punishment

  14. Julie Santistevan Avatar

    Wow I thought mom grandma they mean business 😳

  15. Desstiny Davis Avatar

    The more I watch it.. the more I want to throw my phone

  16. Desstiny Davis Avatar

    Man please. The way she pushed her the first time… this movie is good and all but it's no way!

  17. Brandon Pennington Avatar

    Your mama never hitting you is the problem, they put fear into you and you won't dare do that bullshit.

  18. Brandon Pennington Avatar

    Funny they blame it on Garrett when it's actually their fault.

  19. Brandon Pennington Avatar

    When this movie was made this family was not normal, it was the exception, why do u think they made a moblvie about it, parents were allowed to whoop kids ass back then, so they weren't like this as much, but now days the parents just let them do as they please so they aint in their hair. The world is screwed. Specifically this country

  20. Dagny Avatar

    Love that warden with her ass on the wrong side of her body.

  21. johnson davies Avatar

    Milk-toast parents! Put that heifer out😅😅😅😅

  22. Cartisco Brown Avatar

    My mom would have molly wop me which mean she did not play at all but at the same time she was my everything an may she rest n HEAVENLY PEACE love u mom so much missing you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

  23. Royse Harris Avatar

    First if she were in a black family house she would have gotten the shit beat out of her. And that girl would have been out of my house period.!!! I blamed the parents for being stupid. I wish my daughter's would have tried that with me!!!!!

  24. Ms Sagittarius Avatar

    That grandma is nothing 2 play with. That’s why the daughter never wanted to go over there LMAO

  25. Ms Sagittarius Avatar

    I’m sorry but ain’t no way I’ve would’ve got away with this

  26. Sociology Addict Avatar

    I have no patience with alcoholism, regardless of the cause.

  27. Julie Avatar

    Wow! Swank delivered a stellar performance!

  28. Soraya Esfandiary Avatar

    This is what happens to weak ass parents. What Tina needed was a good slap in the face the moment she started acting out.

  29. Mango Juice Avatar

    Kids needs guidance from their parents, not friendship.


    My dad would of grounded me for life and then mor

  31. claycamp20 Avatar

    I swear she was gonna tell on her brother if he didn't do what she wanted.. I was waiting on it. Deena never did.

  32. Mammie Solomon Avatar

    Know if about it slow walking and sad singi😢



  34. Jessica Wilson Avatar

    She did amazing in this role, like I legit hated her and wanted to come through the screen and beat her damn ass!!! Great movie but so scary kids could grow into this! My 13yr old is already bigger than me, God help me and him if he ever becomes violent! Hes so so sweet I cant see that ever happening but you just never know anymore.. 😢

  35. MERLE TYLER Avatar

    Not a good movie

  36. Angelie Sandra Stevens Avatar

    Mom is perfect example of codependent
    Daughter is looking like conduct disorder dx

  37. Powerhouse4ever Avatar

    The father is emotionally absent and shifts all the parental responsibilities on the mom.
    The mom is an enabler; she is afraid to stand up to the daughter and leans too much on the son to compensate for the daughter’s absence. She wants to be her daughter’s best friend instead of a mom with rules and order. The son covers for his sister and is developing an alcohol problem. The daughter is a liar, manipulative, abusive, entitled and a brat. She would be put in the first group home available. I would not be a prisoner in my own home. If you are grown enough to sneak boys in your house, leave your room like a pig pin, hit your parents, forge your signature and write school letters, etc., then you need to get your own living conditions under wraps. She is so concerned with that little boy let him take care of her. The grandmother is the reason the mom is all messed up. This family is in dire strays. Although this is a movie, the dynamics of a dysfunctional family like this is a real thing.

  38. Jessika Higbie Avatar

    Thanks for the upload. I loved the movie that Hillary played transgender Tina Brandon.

  39. MusicAndTheatreGirl Avatar

    I like this movie a lot.
    My mom and I were very, VERY close. I told her everything to the point where occasionally she would say, “There are some things a mother doesn’t need to know.” 🤣🤣
    I kept diaries growing up, and I asked my mom if she ever read them. She said, “No. You’ve never given me any reason to think I needed to.” She ALWAYS respected my privacy because I was a good kid (honestly) and respected both her and my dad. I back-talked occasionally, but that really was it. If I was going to be past curfew when I was out, I called to tell them. My parents ALWAYS knew where I was going, with whom I was going, around what time I’d be home, etc. Before I was 18, I had to ASK to do things; I couldn’t just say, “I’m going out. Bye.” After I turned 18, I didn’t really have to ask anymore, but I still gave them the information. ♥️
    Just as my mom and I were crossing the line into friendship, she unexpectedly died in her sleep. She had just turned 55; I was 21.
    I miss my mom every single day. 😔
    It breaks my heart when I see daughters – even in movies – hurting their moms.
    I’m grateful – and blessed – to have had the incredibly AMAZING mom that I had. 🙏🏻♥️

  40. Dallas Avatar

    This whole family is f**ked up in the head

  41. Zo Cove Avatar

    The mother was so triggering omg! This actress is really talented, I mean to go from a loving would never hurt her kids Mrs. Seaver to THIS! Insane!