Tested positive for STD but previous partners didn’t… what’s going on?


Hi everyone,

I broke up with my ex almost a year ago and I didn’t have sex again up until the beginning of this September … which was with my ex.
After I saw him then, I asked whether he’s been tested and he told me his test results came back negative before he saw me (but he hasn’t been tested for mgen) and so were mine.

In the UK, routine tests don’t include mgen because it is uncommon, so you have to go in specifically for it. But I’d never heard of it until recently.

I then saw someone else shortly after and we had sex once. He messaged me after a few days telling me he had symptoms – mild burning when peeing! So I got tested after 2 weeks (recommended) and everything came back negative and so were his tests. But after a few days, I started feeling intense cramps and spotting (which is very uncommon for me as I’d just finished my period), and the nurse at the clinic said it might be mgen and that I should come in and get tested for it.

I told the new guy about the whole situation and he got tested for mgen which came back negative, but mine came back positive.

I also told my ex and he still hasn’t been tested for mgen but swears up and down it ‘can’t have been him’ because he only slept with 3 people this year including me and ‘only lasted a minute’ lol.

I don’t have any symptoms anymore and feel fine, and I’ve started taking medication for it so happy days. The new guy is getting retested and currently waiting for results, my ex is looking for an appointment (or so he says idk).

So yeah… how can I be positive ????

I know that HOW I got an STD isn’t relevant now but I’m confused. Is it possible for them to be negative but I am positive ? I’ve never had an STD before.
I also know that false negatives/positives are a thing as well. It could be possible that I’ve had mgen this whole time but just didn’t know ?


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