Testing the hotpast waters?


When I’m with my bf, the thing that sends me over the edge every time is fantasizing about his past hook ups. I haven’t told him about this and he has never really told me anything about his past sex life. So most of what I think about is shit I’ve completely made up in my head. This is new for me, I only had these fantasies with one other bf in the past (who told me LOTS of details about his sex life). I never told him about this kink either.

Now my dilemma: I want to tell my bf but I can’t tell if knowing details about his past is going to turn me on or fuel my insecurities. The thought of him telling me about past hookups as dirty talk is very hot. But I’m afraid I’ll obsess and feel inadequate in the cold light of day. I feel like I developed this kink as a weird cope for my feelings of inadequacy in the first place. I also don’t know how he’d take my request for details.

How can I test the waters? Should I just keep it a fantasy and to myself? How weird is this? Would like to hear from others with a hotpast kink or who have partners who are into it. Advice for bringing it up?


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