The Affair of the Necklace – Playlists

In pre-Revolutionary France, a young aristocratic woman left penniless by the political unrest in the country, must avenge her …







20 responses to “The Affair of the Necklace – Playlists”

  1. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    The rich cared little for the poor in that era, as is now.

    The lower middle class in America is rich in comparison to the general populace of this World.

  2. Denise Hancock Avatar

    Ok, just started watching. I cant believe that in thst hugh house. They couldn't hide somewhere

  3. Jamilah Williams Avatar

    Master peace of real life magnufik

  4. Robert D. Carver Avatar

    An intelligent, literate script acted by an excellent cast–Hilary, for once, seems comfortable in period costume–and beautifully photographed and directed. Unfortunately, the film tanked at the box office and reviews were less than kind.

  5. Sheri Stewart Avatar

    Much better rendition of this most tragic set of circumstances. Monarchies must do more for their people. "Then said Jesus unto His disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
    And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:23-24, KJV)."

  6. Stephanie Fox Avatar

    Who is hear because of Puppet History? I am

  7. Fresh & Grey Avatar

    Was searching for this film for some time- found it for free!

  8. rosemary Johnson Avatar

    tsulordwidr get z qar a et a wara czd

  9. Duan Torruellas Avatar

    Brilliant. Ive seen this story done before because i remembered the necklace , it was good to see this again done so beautifully. ❤

  10. Jane Buran Avatar

    I like Simon Baker in anything and this movie is better than some of the crap out there!!!!

  11. lovely 808 Avatar

    So many commercials. Too many!!!

  12. infoSeeker007 Avatar

    Really Great Movie. History in the Making never seems to change. Know what's going on Today and apply it to this Historical event and You will see that not much has changed except that back they where MORE manner in their conviction. Today that would not fly!!! Amen 😀🦜 Alan

  13. Anne KellyRose Montana Avatar

    One of my favorite movies in my collection.

  14. John Driver Avatar

    Great piece of History ! Awesome cast and acting !! Thanx Ya'll >>>> J D

  15. hathorearthfyre Avatar

    Beautfully rendered film. But how stupid do you have to be, to try to swindle royalty?

  16. Tim Gega Avatar

    If you are single, young or old, you should go on a Quest.
    Searching for only 2 things:
    1) Search for people who show authentic Kindness.
    2) Demonstrate Kindness yourself and witness the reactions.

    At the end of your Journey, this Quest, your eyes will be wide open to a new vision to look at things in a different light.

    This is my Gift of Kindness to you.

    ~ TG

  17. Tec Becca Avatar

    Very good movie! I don’t see any reason for a bad review other than the poster which shows an unflattering image of Hilary Swank and fails to convey the true meaning of the scandal. I think the mix of French, British and American accents worked because each actor articulated the syntax appropriate for their class ( a sort of old-fashioned English). Great costumes, locations and music!

  18. Beatrix Butterfield Avatar

    bc the role was for a scrappy character, and hilary swank tends to be scrappy character, still not a good fit for this era / theme. imo 😀

  19. Penny Lockhart Avatar

    Another movie where you have to strain to hear it. No thanks.

  20. Sabina Donofrio Avatar

    When history is written by political enemies. This is such a farce.