“The Chosen King” King Willie Realised New Lovely Banger “sugar” @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) king willie Speaks “Originally I was born Mboko Fizi DRC Congo. In 1998 but I lived in Tanzania and Namibia as a refugee before moving to Canada in 2009. For school we can say he completed a degree in Music at Fanshawe College in London. There’s a London in Canada. Also other type of music I make is dancehall music, and reggaeton music, reggaeton is Spanish music . I have been doing music since I was young back in Tanzania and Namibia but I started taking is more serious when I turned 21 in 2019. I released my first single all for nothing which is a rap story telling of people daily struggles, pain and suffering.”

King Willie – singing is exciting and breathtaking. he is noted for his μesmerizing and captivating vocal improvisations and vocalese lyrics to instrumental solos. he is a musician who uses the voice as his instrument, δisplaying precision and agility, mixed with heartfelt emotion afro beats sounds to explain everyday struggles and life in general.

A good songwriter and a storyteller, is expressive and detailed. “My music is heartfelt; they reflect my story. I am a lover, so my songs are like a love story for the ladies, and it is like the tale everyone wants to find him or herself in. My songs are melodic and the visuals I create for them are beautiful my new song SUGAR its expressing all that I like to keep my audience surprised, so I will say they should wait and see my next move. But one thing I can promise them is authentic good sounds.”

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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