The Devil’s Pass – Playlists

Blockbuster Director, Renny Harlin (DIE HARD 2, CLIFFHANGER) brings one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the 20th …







35 responses to “The Devil’s Pass – Playlists”

  1. dxjx23 Avatar

    There's always that one person who disregards safety and common sense🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  2. dxjx23 Avatar

    She said a snow tiger😂🤣🤦‍♂️ never heard of this movie. Very entertaining

  3. Eye Said That Avatar

    Where did all the firewood come from?

  4. Alice Avatar

    I'm so over video camera view movies. Just makes no sense that people in that situation would be mindful of holding a camera and videoing! Could you?

  5. Ricky Donahue Avatar

    As soon as I saw the footprints that damn trip would have been over for me!!!

  6. Madison Brown Avatar

    Why wish for outside the mountain when there’s guys with guns? Wish for home or your college! Dumb decisions! 🙄


    Eeew it jumps around in time? Just stop trying this

  8. Richard Smith Avatar

    A really awesome movie I loved it everything was superb

  9. Sari Avatar

    Oh boy…this was a good one!!

  10. 6sheepies9 Avatar

    Happy Snowfurfee ~ Have A Beautiful Weekend May ALL your Dream s Come True

  11. Louis Winterbower Avatar

    Stupid ignorant movie.

  12. Keith Norman Avatar

    Those Russians are the best shot what a handgun. One-handed, from 50 yards away and hit their mark! So impressive!!! lol

  13. Chuck Avatar

    This is the dumbest movie I’ve ever watched

  14. Lee Samson Avatar

    5 minutes in: too cheesy! cannot watch! ugh…😣

  15. donnie mayer Avatar

    I'm just buzzed enough and tired of channel jumping, but this looks k s good enough to watch……be back later

  16. NegativeGnostic Avatar


  17. Day Dreamers Avatar

    24:15 ish when the ole russian lady asks the american interviewer about the report
    asking her if she believes everything she's told to believe… so true.
    one of my closest friends (RIP) always told me to
    "Believe HALF of what I see and NONE of what I hear." when it comes to MOST topics.
    and i've lived most of my life that way.
    anyway, this is a good take on the real life incident of that group that had tragedy befall them.
    all of their death certificates still, to this day, state "hypothermia" just like they did when they
    found them… even though they had "claw marks" or a dull blade cutting their tents up from INSIDE
    multiple broken bones.. eyes removed in harsh ways, a tong torn out by the root while living and
    even placed quite a DISTANCE from the female it came from.. it was most definitely NOT just
    paradoxical undressing caused by hypothermia. it may have been PART of it as they did 100%
    undress during the time period of their demise… but there was a lot of other things going on
    with them.
    in recent years, a newer study suggests they got stuck in a pocket of gas that's heavier than our
    atmosphere and it caused them both hallucinations and delirium. all i know is, it was a tragedy
    of the highest order… it also showed they had radiation that was rather high on their clothing
    and equipment. i saw another comment saying it was due to cross-contamination but i doubt
    that sincerely… something of this magnitude? nah i don't see a mistake that major happening.
    my own personal theory involves a black site from the USSR days that still operates.
    similar to our own black sites in USA both in the mainland and in other countries around the
    world… we have no TRUE idea what REALLY happened and will most likely NEVER know. so
    this "found footage" film is just as plausible as any other idea.
    since, and this is the most important part of it all, no one can prove ANY of it one way or another.
    nor can they DISPROVE any of these theories. except maybe a few outlandish ones that really
    stretch the borders of reality. however, i would listen to the tribal folk that have been living there
    for generations upon generations… they would know the most bout that place.. even if it is a
    supernatural answer, i'd still take into consideration of their theories.. regardless of how wild it
    "may seem to western ears."
    same with the scientific community since they said the coelacanth went extinct MILLIONS upon
    millions of years ago, yet they fished one up in the 2000s maybe 2010s. which they mishandled
    so grossly… to the point they essentially killed it. potentially the LAST living one on this planet
    and they fished it up to "study" it to death…. so soul shattering. could have learned SO MUCH
    if they had just put it in a tank that mimicked its environment to a T.
    going back to the black budget branch of russia's government, it could have also been a total
    accidental when experimenting with a new aerosol agent they were working on…

    at any rate, once they were told the sign of the old man being translated to "STAY AWAY"
    and the orderlies flat out lying about his death? that makes me believe it even more that the
    government had some involvement to it. at any rate, if people do not believe the government
    would not do such a thing? much less the government to the civilian population?
    do i honestly need to list several experiments done to the civilian populations in multiple countries?
    it's quite vast…. and astonishing to say the least.

  18. Day Dreamers Avatar

    20min in when the girls eyelids are frozen shut, he pulled them open the wrong way.
    why would he rub his hands like that to warm them up if he wasn't planning on covering
    her eyes to warm them up? instead he just pulls them apart so heating his palms up did
    NOTHING T_T so sad.
    and i also believe that was the guy the doctors said was "dead"

  19. Day Dreamers Avatar

    a lot of skinny dudes without bazookas in audio*

  20. michael moon Avatar

    The storyline seems interesting. But, I don't like it, when material from the middle or end of the story is moved to the beginning, and then they bounce back and forth, showing scenes, out chronological order.

  21. Susan m Avatar

    Betcha somebody was entertaining some demons up there. Defin itely something dark & demonic bcz God didnt do it!

  22. Meat Popsicle Avatar

    I really like this one

  23. Hydro Tilling Avatar

    Thanks for not bothering me anymore. We need to work together. There’s plenty of people that you can harass besides me they will not perform the necessary needs that our planet desires to keep life. Going….

    But if you ever come at me again, I will find others to attack you to protect me until you cringe but until then, which I hope will never happen, let’s be allies in the development of this planet, and the education to the rest of the universe for the future ❤ plus I just got done screwing the hell out of you last week😊

  24. Corinna Zaccone Avatar

    i dont really understand what the big mystery is tbh. they went hiking. in FEBRUARY. in WINTER. thats what happened lol. they had sooooo many opportunities to LEAVE. unreal.

  25. Terry Kennedy Avatar

    Bare in mind: do you actually think whomever is covering this up is going to let out what really happened? Nope. But they push theories that lead away from the truth.

  26. Terry Kennedy Avatar

    Radiation came from PRE-EXPOSED clothing. These people make this more confusing. Truth is, we may likely never know.

  27. Terry Kennedy Avatar

    Again, FALSE: one person had external injuries, even two people: one had missing eyes, another had bruises on his knuckles.

  28. Terry Kennedy Avatar

    FALSE: Igor Dyatlov is said to have hiked back alone. His body was not with the others, supposedly

  29. Delmer Toribio Avatar

    Well wat dst fuck you said your army shouldn’t you have a gun I hate these movies when they could have done something

  30. Reggie Kanan Avatar

    Hipster Junk…🤪

  31. John Johnon Avatar

    Just like the Frankenstein doc movie. Or the Blair witch one. You find a door thats locked from the outside, in the middle of nowhere. Take what you find while you can. Curiosity killed the cat.

  32. Bahador Tanzif Avatar

    2⅞ turducken rating. Decent date movie. Not scary. Shaky camera and jumpscares. 😀 Interesting story though… maybe