The Last Days of Patton – Playlists

Following the close of World War II, General Patton is seriously injured in a car accident and was not expected to survive. The film …







20 responses to “The Last Days of Patton – Playlists”

  1. MICHAEL MAH Avatar

    The 'loose ends' of Patton's mysterious 'accident' are not addressed in this film. Those who wrecked into Patton were never found. There are those who believe Patton was taken out of commission so he cold never run for US president which he certainly would have done and won. He was murdered. Read Bill O'Reilly's book 'Killing Patton' for a good read on this topic.

  2. jim turner Avatar

    While a stranger who you may not even know may decide how you will die only you can decide how you will live

  3. Mrs Craig Jr Philadelphia Avatar


  4. Maverick Gaming Avatar

    So many people believe Patton died because of a blood clot. He was in fact murdered in the hospital when the wreck didn't kill him. All of the evidence proves it yet almost everyone believes narrative

  5. John Avatar

    At the same time operation paperclip was in full swing.

  6. Archie Brooks Avatar

    Hitler is to have said "Just give me one Patton, Just one George S Patton, and I could turn back even the armies of Eisenhower!"

  7. SMR Avatar

    Really! You are a child obviously! How many people died because of him ! Or after him

  8. Doc Z-Man Avatar

    Poor quality audio even I were interested in reading the reading the script! Woudn't recommend it to even my Japanese speaking friends.

  9. FashionistaLagerfeld Avatar

    Fought ww1 and WWII and died in a car accident. That’s crazy

  10. iNdUsTrIaLrOcKeR4U Avatar

    We are fragile, the body. More the human heart [the spiritual one].

  11. Person OfColor Avatar

    We shouldve fought with the Germans against the Russians thigns would be so different today

  12. Charles Olivis Avatar

    G.Patton😆ol guts&glory true American I have so much respect for American armed forces

  13. Master Technician Avatar

    Order and Structural Soundness. That was Then, this is now.

  14. Alan Tasman Avatar

    A close family friend who had served in North Africa during the war recounted how he had met General Patton. He was an airplane mechanic responsible for fixing aircraft props bent out of shape. Patton approached him and another mechanic and proceeded dress down the other mechanic for being out of regulation uniform. Patton told him he is a soldier…dress like one! Clarence has since past ..he had many stories about WWII and I miss our times together.

  15. David Cockrill Avatar

    I miss the Patton Museum at Fort Knox. There was a lot to see there at its peak.

  16. james alexander Avatar

    I hope the last words I say before taking my last breath is Papa, for a father I never knew.
    Good film, sad, but good story of one of America's greatest generals.
    Hand salut, General Sir.

  17. Firewind II Avatar

    It was an assassination. START there.

  18. Jake Rutigliano Avatar

    Needs a better master.