The Sign of Four – Playlists

The disappearance of a young woman’s father and a mysterious note years later after the strange regular annual delivery of …








27 responses to “The Sign of Four – Playlists”

  1. R B Avatar

    Toby…as alert as ever 48:41

  2. FarmerGiles Avatar

    This is in fact the 1983 British-made TV movie released in 1983, starring Ian Richardson and David Healy. The Brett/Hardwicke production was the first TV movie in the "Granada" series produced for the ITV network in 1987. The attribution above is to that production, but the video itself is the earlier one.

  3. Richard Alexander Avatar

    It was a pretty good movie, up until the end, when it implicated everybody in the theft of the royal jewels. I regret that the next episode must show Holmes, Watson and that pretty woman hanged at the gallows.

  4. JOSH EMMETT Avatar

    For me, it will always be Jeremy Brett, however Basil Rathbone is certainly second. This movie was very well done.
    It must be mentioned that Doyle's Sherlock never wore a deerstalker nor did he ever say, The games is afoot.
    I will say, for modern time, Benedict Cumberbatch did a very good job bringing Sherlock back for people of the 21st century.
    Thank you for this movie, I really enjoyed it!

  5. zapa1pnt Avatar

    Your thumbnail is wrong. It shows Matt Frewer, from the 2001 production.
    Your details are Also wrong. This movie is from 1983, starring Ian Richardson.

  6. Michael Pessin Avatar

    Very solid 🪨 entertainment

  7. dire wolf Avatar

    that was darn good … love the street urchin 'irregulars' …

  8. Louis Sparks Avatar

    India pillaged again by White-Supremacist Brits.

  9. Veronica Webb Avatar

    Very poor sound quality n Watson he's too flossy😂😂

  10. Ree Ritz Avatar

    This one of the better Sherlock movies of modern times. No one is better than Rathbone, but Ian Richardson is a close 2nd. The set director did a fabulous job…exactly the look it should be. ☆☆☆☆well worth the time to watch a great murder mystery movie😆👍👍

  11. Michael Kluko Avatar

    Lots n lots of changes to the story. ( I mean ,Smalls is a carnival barker? For one ) ..If you can get past these , Sir Ian Richardson a treat to watch.

  12. Strange Visions Avatar

    19:25 TERRIBLE casting! why is Holmes biting hit lip? can't believe people this crap is good!

  13. loretta rolison Avatar

    Love Miss. Marston's clothes

  14. Drew Schaefer Avatar

    Nobody mentioned that this production changed the pearls Mary received yearly, to a single diamond, whose history is fabricated for this script.
    Dudes! Why not keep with Conan Doyle's masterful work?

  15. joeboygo Avatar

    I would have enjoyed seeing this combination do their version of "A Scandal in Bohemia." Imagine this Holmes tangling with Irene Adler. A pity it didn't happen.

  16. Autumn Sanger Avatar

    22:31 The jokes on him. It's probably a spinel.😞 A surprising number of histories best "rubies" turned out to be spinels. Personally, I think they are prettier.🥰

  17. Dave Larsen Avatar

    I think this is the 1987 movie.

  18. Scarlett Cook (wentwiththewind) Avatar

    Homes and Watson survive so many iterations beautifully. The formula is so solid.

  19. RamblerReb Avatar

    One criticism of Richardson's Holmes others have leveled is that he was "too amiable," which I agree he is, but not overly so. Holmes might have struck many as cool, but certainly not forbidding, for such a man could not have had such a wide and devoted acquaintanceship with the London slavey and underworld as Holmes did. Was he not at least somewhat approachable and human, his "Baker Street Irregulars," for instance, would not have been so assiduous in their duties, despite Holmes' demonstrated generosity. I think Richardson's Holmes is actually pretty close to the mark for someone who only got two shots at it.

  20. Floyd Looney Avatar

    I can only see Reginald Barclay on the holodeck in the thumbnail

  21. Diane Roberts Avatar

    It's too bad they don't think to return the Mogul to the Indian raja who originally owned it.

  22. John Shirley Avatar

    Jeremy BRett is the perfect Holmes

  23. C.L.J. Jardell Avatar

    Spooky London Fog. Later. Used as. A label. For. Coats. Lol

  24. C.L.J. Jardell Avatar

    Drop. That oil lamp. And its. All. Over!

  25. Arthur Eaks Avatar

    Yes, I can’t see why this film is credited to Brett/Hardwicke. Anyone who ever saw the tv version of le Carre’s Tinker, Tailor, should recognize the Holmes character is played by Ian Richaredson. The profile and above all the voice belong to Richardson!

  26. Eric Whitney Avatar

    Released in 2020? That has to be the year it was first uploaded to YouTube because this version was made way back in the early 80’s.

  27. Linda Rocco Avatar

    @YouTube Movies & TV Thank you. I loved it. I RoccoMend this movie. There are so many humorous scenes, with Sherlock doing so many unexpected things. I was amazed at his abilities.