The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender – Playlists

A hilarious and provocative romp through the hidden and not so hidden gay undercurrents of Hollywood’s Golden Years, …







12 responses to “The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender – Playlists”

  1. Mary Griem Avatar

    Growing up with this type of movies being innocent as no out side Information on sex or Gay, I see now, it was a way Hollywood was using this method to introduce us little by
    Little to except today's homosuality ,making us into thinking it's normal, as back than the Bible and God was on the table of most homes, of God fearing believers and with tv and cartoons the world movie makers started pushing Sexual in cartoons and soap operas, I watched several as a young mom, to go back years later I saw in the 50s 60s couples had to have twin beds and little by little sex became so real
    Not our thinking of what might happen, but to real details leading the world to Sin against What God tells us not to do, eventually it became the norm. During the war a movie was made of a man who was gay in the service during the war & was the one who figured the codes out with a machine to stop Germany, he had made, but back than the government gave him a choice to be sterilized out of service not sure wearther prison
    Or death, other countries stoned a gay person and still forbidden in other cultures. American being the big Hollywood power has made its web and we innocent people excepted it to even where man marries man or women wed women. God said in his
    Bible to us man will not lay with man or animal or better he be dead. God has been removed from school and many children grew up without knowing God's words and have no idea hell awaits those who live in sin, rules the bible gives , The Devil works against God , as God said in his book. The devil will say wrong is right and right is wrong and pushes for obortions killing God's creations to being loose sexual and God said no, Sin is hell and only way to The Father is through his Son Christ. He died on the cross to forgive us so we except him or you go with the devils world .Only way. Not by works or thinking your kind or good we must ask Christ into our life to be our savior and mean it whole hearted and ask for forgiveness of sins and tell others you have . Hollywood music are out their to take us away from God. This just confirmed all that a way of mind controlling and we all fall in line, we must really make our own choices to watch cleaner movies as God can not be apart of Sin as he is so Holy and many will go to hell from lack of knowledge joking about sex and gay makes the medicine go down easier and we swallow it laugh about it not realizing it enters our mind as excepting 😮

  2. Sandy Duran Avatar

    I'm SHOCKED he didnt talk about "Some like it Hot" with Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon & Marilyn Monroe!

  3. walt dill Avatar

    Personal fear of intimacy or the inability of the American male to bond with another male without feeling there is a stigma attached to intimacy of any kind, especially the emotionally enduring kind.
    That is a flaw in a superficial culture that indulges in a myth of
    "Uber-independence" and the pursuit of competitive, cut-throat largely capitalist values.
    But the zero-sum mentality covers a wide range of social behaviors, and becomes more pronounced over time right up to the present day.
    Especially filtered through the twisted lens of Hollywood "art".
    Because: Hey, Joe — it's freakin' art. And actors. And you know how "they" get their kicks.
    Just like one-eyed sailors stuck with each other on those long, isolated voyages.
    Yeah, Right.

    What do you say about a culture where the female has entered the workforce seriously eroding the status and role of the male breadwinner? "Her" independence comes at the cost of alienating the working-class male even more, but generally the stereotype and the reality of seeing the female in the position of someone "competing" for male attention and usurping the influence of a close male friend has two distinct and valid sources in normal human behavior: first, she very likely does have designs on the male she has chosen — especially in an earlier era where conventional marriage is the key to practically everything "else"; and second, the complaining male friend probably has good reason to be cautious, for all the usual reasons connected with heterosexual ritual and bonding, not least of all because he may have had similar experience with the dangers of open intimacy with a female, or simply because he is actually capable of appreciating what a "true friendship" is all about.
    I mean: there's Henry James; and then there's Ernest Hemingway. Right?

    It occurs to me that gay Americans are just as ruthless with the "intrusive" female as anyone can be expected to be: but whether it is out of consideration for the psyche of the other male, or just plain and simple lust for flesh, is often a tossup.
    Usually, it is a matter of education or breeding: One gay man finds women dangerous to his interests; another cultivates friendship and accepts the other person for reasons unconnected with personal bias.
    One does not need to witness, and feel, the animosity of a sudden "love" interest in the "anxious" new girlfriend, in order to be suspicious of what is really going on, especially if an obvious monetary factor is present, or if the old male friend seems to be hesitant or uncertain as to what the situation is rapidly evolving into.
    This sort of conflict, and the test of friendship or non-sexualized "love" over the perfectly normal desires of the human animal is as old as the human race.
    The ancient Greeks, evidently, had many names for the complex matter of "love".

    Which brings me here: why does it seem that we can choose to be amused, or find rather silly, the notion of "one old coot" having an emotional bond with the "heroic" lead — without choosing to see that it is a greater kind of coldness, or insecurity or lack of identity in ourselves, that is at the root of the "problem"?
    In spite of material comforts, the advances in medicine and good health, abundant education, the freedom to be more autonomous and open about our lives than ever before — still, we are afraid of "showing" deep affection, of even "feeling" what it is we attach all of the psychology and hyper-analysis to.
    Regardless of sexual choice, biological determination, the genetic imperative.

    Look at an old movie and chortle; hoot and holler and find the "hidden" messages.
    Compare your notes with your acquaintances, male, female, gay, lesbian, all the rest of the self-conscious alphabet of human desires, choices, dispositions, afflictions, puzzlements.
    Is there something "funny" going on? Or do we just love to see shitloads of guns and exploding skulls and blood because we are a decadent, diseased, paranoid culture of fools and cowards?
    Ask me: We ain't so goddamned civilized, nowadays.

    Do "you" have any friends outside your close, preferred, utilitarian circle?
    Do you, can you, treat the "woman" with genuine respect?
    Some men get married to have a convenient body to put a penis into, get a hot meal, maintain respectability.
    Some men actually love their woman.
    What does sexual preference or gender identity have to do with any of that?
    Do you have the right mix of friends, representing one or another acceptable group or identity? Do you have any real identity, deep down, at the core of your Being?
    In some cultures, casual male friends hold hands like happy lovers as they stroll about. Many of them have girlfriends, are genuine macho studs, not trying to cover up or advertise anything.

    In America, guys go out and get shit-faced, and one looks at the other, and swoops in fast, and plants a kiss, and says something like "I love you, man" — and there it is.
    Is it "gay"? Or is it "humanity"?
    If you are of one sort, you accept the kiss, acknowledge your human predicament, and move on. Of another sort, get angry, threaten to beat the other guy senseless, or shriek and pull away in horror.
    Where's the measure of the man; where's the thesis for sexuality?
    I kind of enjoyed much in this presentation.
    But all I got in the end was an industrious fish searching for an invisible hook.

  4. Rain for me Avatar

    You are really reaching

  5. Ricardo Russell Avatar

    I stopped at 18min, to much.

  6. Ricardo Russell Avatar

    😂 if this continues there will be no Ppl in this world, is it not so. 😂sweep the s***, under more s***.

  7. gokaren Avatar

    There is nothing new under the sun. There has always been homosexuality since biblical times and in Hollywood.

  8. Ruthannmarie Avatar

    Best line. No one cared. And we dont care to hear about today also.. now that i think of it Charleston Heston was always in a state of un. Dress
    Beginning not to like any movies

  9. patrick ryan Avatar

    I think you missed the point with "Meet John Doe", and the reality lies in the one repeated word issued by Walter Brennon: "Healots". Walter was merely trying to protect his buddy from the demoralizing creatures prevalent in the social setting of the story being told. In the process Walter was attempting to hold on to the dignity of his manhood and wanted to keep his friend in the process (No one wants to be totally alone in this world, regardless of their battle against society.). To me — nothing Gay here. Me thinks you project too much!

  10. Chuck Motta Avatar

    There were no "hidden" things in these movies, IT WAS FOR COMEDIC EFFECT ONLY. You girls are OBSESSED with thinking everything is about sex!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ian Grimbaldeston Avatar

    I found that really interesting. I have always been aware that there is a subtext in those mid-century movies around the Second World War of all the nations in the first world, America is the one that struggles the most with sexuality, log largely because of the deeply buried religious bias

  12. Leon The wise Avatar