THE TOXIC AVENGER Trailer (2023) Peter Dinklage, Elijah Wood | Upcoming Movies 4K – Playlists

A horrible toxic accident transforms downtrodden janitor, Winston Gooze into a new evolution of hero: The Toxic Avenger.







28 responses to “THE TOXIC AVENGER Trailer (2023) Peter Dinklage, Elijah Wood | Upcoming Movies 4K – Playlists”

  1. Andrew Norris Avatar

    Fucking love Peter, named all my bongs after him. 😅

  2. Chris Dals Avatar

    This is not the Toxic Avenger, who was over 6 feet in the original. Why does Hollywood keep messing with the original?

  3. The Frank Caslte  Avatar

    Let me guess the bad guys are white and yatzieesss man these guys never stop making crappy films did not work in the 80s and now wow it should blah

  4. DISTRESS Avatar

    Fake ass trailer

  5. Oz Yankee Avatar

    Remake of a 1984 movie… then 1989 sequel

  6. Jarvis mccrary Avatar

    Well, of course I'll be seeing it

  7. aakkoin Avatar

    Should've called it "Tiny Toxie" or something, because actual Toxie is supposed to be a giant. And that gore was instantly noticeable as CGI… Is it really too hard to make practical effects?

  8. Guilherme Schitz Amaral Avatar

    ⥊ 598

    0: Good (if not good, then not zero)

    001: Uniqueness

    02: Individuality

    03: Idea

    04: Body

    05: Emphaty

    06: Ingenuity

    07: Assertiveness

    08: Integrity

    09: Ambition

    1: Ethics

    2: Problem-Solution

    3: Consent/Fix

    4: Love/Free

    5: Demonstration

    6: Why/Who/When/How/Where/What

    7: Information/Flow

    8: Stability

    9: Sanity/Seriousness

    10: Network (Good Network, because zero)

    11: Justice

    12: Time

    13: Death

    14: Abolitionism

    15: To Persevere

    16: Control

    17: Teller

    20: Judgement

    21: Solving Problems with Ethics

    22: Resistance

    23: Resilience

    30: Liberty

    31: Consent

    32: Discernment

    33: Principle

    40: Good Will

    44: Free Love

    50: Good Force

    52: Pragmatism

    55: War

    57: Counter-Terrorism

    60: Good Reason

    61: Assertiveness

    70: Knowledge

    77: Rhetoric

    80: Sustainability

    85: Autonomy

    86: Severity

    87: Sobriety

    88: Personal Sovereignty

    89: Self-Control

    90: Wisdom

    95: Only One Global Currency

    96: Blockchain

    97: Anarchy

    98: Veganism

    99: Revolution

    100: Liberation

    300: To Liberate

    400: Earthlings

    444: Direct Digital Democracy

    555: Diplomacy

    800: Providence

    1000: Militancy

    1001: Nova Era

    . This is a numeric Matrix for communications purposes.

    . This can be used to convey meaning.

    Ex.: 6022: Good Reason to Resist.

    . Mathematical operators can be used to calculate meaning.

    Ex.: To liberate with a good force: 340. 300 + 40 = 340.

    . Logical operators to create statements.

    . Colors can also be used as information.

    – You can help building it.

  9. Megasg7 Avatar

    Man, love this from the 90s. Hope remake has the same campy charm. Melvin was a literal beast, and only his blind girlfriend could tame him.

  10. williams villa Avatar

    Que manera más mala de matar un clásico

  11. italianscool Avatar

    I seen all the original Toxic Avenger movies. This looks stupid.

  12. Marcus Johnson Avatar

    Who's the lady in the blue??

  13. no body Avatar

    This "woke" dwarf is one of the major reasons for the new Snow White film derailment . I used to like this dwarf, but now I won't watch any film that has this "woke" dwarf in it..

  14. Charlie Perez Avatar

    Im so confused, i did some research on this comic book character and this looks like the lamest marvel super hero. Like dudes weapon is a mop. Yet people are hyping this movie up. Can someone explain to me what the hype is about? Should i get into it, read the comics? It casts peter dinklage and hes a badass actor but i dont understand this character.

  15. James Kreidler Avatar

    I think he'd be perfect in mortal kombat 1.

  16. IronEagle85 Avatar

    So Toxic Avenger is a little man?

  17. The Dude Abides Avatar

    Looks absolutely woeful.

    There was less crap in the toilet bowl this morning after coffee.

  18. HorrorFanHero Avatar

    This is gonna flop. I respect the corny (troma) feel they are trying for here but it just isn't gonna work when he is the size of Chucky. Hard pass. Toxie is a mutated giant

  19. RVDDP2501 Avatar

    0:45 & 0:47 – When you compare the decor of the restaurant at these two times, specifically the section that divides the red part of the wall from the white part, you can determine that Toxie is still a dwarf, not a giant/large figure, that he isn't a "hideously deformed creature of superhuman [SIZE] and strength" as he is normally depicted

  20. Supermansquest4peace@ Avatar

    Peter Dinklage???? As Toxie???? Yup nope ain't gonna sail

  21. Bob Langford Avatar

    The Dink starring in his own movie after causing 7 dwarfs to lose out on Hollywood roles. Snow White was distasteful to him, but this is right up his alley? Hollywood actors are bizarre!

  22. lanky streak of piss Avatar

    The nasty lads sounds soo English lol

  23. Paul Jones Avatar

    Lloks a fucking scream 😂👍😎 will be seeing this

  24. Dark Fortress Pictures LLC Avatar

    Okay, the fact that they’re staying in tune with the original just got me more excited!

  25. Lorenzo Ocon Avatar

    This actually looks pretty good. I really hope all the Gore effects are done practically. No CGI please!