The Trouble Notes Drop Video In Form Of Fantastical Folk-Pop Ode “Never Dream Alone” @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Sitting between traditional folk, modern classical, and tribal dance music, The Trouble Notes have released their new fantasy-tinged folk-pop anthem “Never Dream Alone”.
Written for and filmed at the 2022 Summer edition of Elfia, Europe’s largest outdoor Cosplay festival, the video showcases the energy of the song with vibrant visuals and eclectic costumes – inspiring listeners to embrace their dreams and imagination

A call to embrace the fantastic, wonderful and weird, “Never Dream Alone” showcases the band’s quintessential classical-cross-over style, holding elements of an epic film score within the structure of a modern Folk Pop song. The fantasy-tinged violin melodies and string arrangements are a nod to the epic scores of the genre, while the operatic vocals of Carola Zerega and Bennet Cerven carry the message of unity in diversity. On full display is the energetic rhythms of the mind-blowing percussionist Oliver Maguire, whose unique hand drumming techniques elevates the listener to new heights. 

Florian Eisenschmidt’s rock inspired riffs on guitar are the backbone on which pianist Frederic Dubois creates the harmonic soundscapes that shape “Never Dream Alone” and bring the listener into a fairytale realm with unity at its core. “‘Never Dream Alone’ is an epic ode to the dreamer,” says Bennet Cerven, Violinist for The Trouble Notes. “It was an easy song for us to write because we have always identified ourselves as such. We wanted to create a piece of music that captures the fantastic spirit of our favorite films and stories while being inclusive and easy to sing along to!” Overall, this track will take you on an auditory journey through realms unknown – so be sure not to miss it! 

Never Dream Alone is out now.

The new studio album Liberty Awaits is out May 2023.

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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