The University of Ottawa’s Relationship and Couple Health (ReaCH) lab is seeking sexually active individuals in Canada to participate in an online study about how satisfied and/or frustrated they feel about their sexual experiences.


In this study, we are asking participants about how satisfied or frustrated they feel about their psychological needs during sexual experiences. We will ask participants about their sense of choice, competence, and connection with their partners during these encounters. We will be examining associations with sexual outcomes, such as desire, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, motivation for sex, sexual function, and overall sexual well-being.

Participation involves an online survey that will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. The survey will be conducted using Qualtrics XM, an online survey platform. The questions will cover topics such as your sociodemographic information, sexual and psychological well-being, desire, sexual motivation, sexual function, and satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your sexual experiences.

**To be eligible to participate, participants must agree and be:**

**• 18 years or older**

**• Comfortable reading and writing in English**

**• Sexually active (with one or multiple sexual partners) in the last month**

**• Residing in Canada**

**\* Other criteria may apply**

**\*\* This study aims to be inclusive of all gender identities, bodies, and orientations.**

If you are interested in participating, copy-paste this link into your browser to access our screening form:\_8ulRevLnaAt3oDY

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] with the subject line: GWYN study

**Academic research post approved by** r/sex **moderators 10092023-1qf52w**


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