The Wrong Daughter – Playlists

Kate and Joe, who have longed to be parents, reconnect with the child Kate gave up for adoption many years ago. Kate begins to …







33 responses to “The Wrong Daughter – Playlists”

  1. Tena .F Avatar

    The name of this movie should be psycho, lives here

  2. Cali Den Avatar

    I've been watching this on freevee. It's so bad it's fun to watch. I just had to comment here.the plot is so predictable. The character Melissa is the worst actress ever.😅😊

  3. Kelley Weidman Avatar

    At 11:16 the police officer is still breathing even though he is dead. 🤔.

  4. Sarah Frederick Avatar

    I'm sorry…her mother.

  5. Sarah Frederick Avatar

    I think she's going to kidnap her because she's not her daughter.

  6. DaBearFamily  Avatar

    Yeah we all feel bad for Samantha but she didn't have to go too far and killed the best friend bf he was nice to her but then again kate should've made sure she had the right daughter also everything happened for a reason it was meant for her to find her real daughter see at the end it worked out with her and her husband were able to have a child ❤️

  7. Bl4kkB!rD Avatar

    All these women have the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen!!

  8. GirrrXD Avatar

    When she calls and Kate doesn't answer, that is not how you treat someone clearly upset. Melissa should have been nicer. I completely understand her freaking out, she has schizoaffective disorder, and has been abandoned so many times.

  9. Juhi Hasan Avatar

    I wasted one and a half hour of my life in the name of Sydney Sweeney.

  10. Diane Clay Avatar

    Well i didnt see the stairs coming but ivying didnt see them eigther.😅.

  11. Diane Clay Avatar

    I hope nothing happen too the real daughter😢.

  12. Diane Clay Avatar

    If you or in a froster home lease you or in a home you in a building with a bed and food and water plus you got lots of brothers and sisters your have a family and if the staffs take. Good care of you where is that a bad life you not a lone out there in the cold some where or down in some abuser basement. Its true we should be thankful of what good we have in our lives cause it could be worth.😮.

  13. Diane Clay Avatar

    Yeah that's how a lot's of women's. Feels we let some man use us and all he's say is i justs wonted to truck justs replace that's. T with a f. But we don't break a good guitar 🎸 we take it too the pawnshop or learn how too play it and make some money😅

  14. Haley Avatar

    This movie was very predictable and the acting was cringe 😬

  15. Maryam Dehkordi Avatar

    The Oscar for bad movie goes to them!

  16. Maryam Dehkordi Avatar

    A very bad movie! A police officer is dead, and mom goes to foster home to see her daughter! Actress and actors acted stupid .

  17. Ae Xiong Avatar

    Is that lady at the foster home weird or just me…

  18. uursullla Avatar

    where do they coming up with these titles lol

  19. Yaira Abraham Avatar

    Good movie loved it..

  20. Laura Brown Avatar

    An American girl loft ronney lifetime movie called the wrong son 3006

  21. plasteredpisces Avatar

    Whats Cassie doing here omg

  22. Iesha N Avatar

    This was a really good movie, it made me cry omg😂😂

  23. MetalMami Avatar

    Stop feeling sorry for Samantha. She is a lunatic.

  24. MetalMami Avatar

    Ivan was fineeeee rip

  25. Shae M Avatar

    They tried to make the friend protective but it came off weird even if that was the real Danica the way the friend was acting didn’t add up

  26. kevtekmagnum Avatar

    Kate: Business, business, business. "I'll probably have a window about 4". Have I shown you how cool my life has been because I didn't have to worry about YOU?? LMAO!! I'll run this past my lawyers and see what they think.🤣😂😆

  27. Annalyse Washington Avatar

    Y’all talking about Samantha and I’m tryna talk about the detective😮‍💨 1:09:16

  28. Britt Anne Avatar

    She said….they had buyers remorse

    Wtf 😒

  29. Britt Anne Avatar

    What kind of B roll was at the beginning? Lol

  30. Aniah Lee Avatar

    Melissa was doin entirely too much. Giving the same vibes as Samantha. It’s like she wanted to be the daughter and was immediately giving weird vibes like girly you runnin up on a teenager

  31. Alina Spears Avatar

    Good plot but the scripts suck. Needs better and more realistic dialogue. The dad character needed a better actor.