There is always white stuff at the base of the condom when we are done. We’re getting concerned and wondering if the condom is bad or if we’re doing something wrong.


My partner and I have sex maybe once a week (19, M/F). We only use condoms (always careful to use them every single time during any penetration).

We had this one brand of condom that we used for a while and they were awesome. Now for some reason we can’t find that specific type in any store anymore, so we have had to try out different brands and types. Some lot of the ones we tried have been uncomfortable and less than ideal for my boyfriend, but the more concerning thing that we noticed is the fact that ever since we tried the new condoms, there is always “stuff” at the base of the condom and on the outside when we are done.

Even on the base of his penis (under the condom) there is stuff. Of course it could be my own vaginal fluids, but we still worry that it might be some of his. We’ve tried to do a sniff/taste test but obviously it doesn’t work since the latex overpowers our senses. Any help would be appreciated!


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