There seems to be a stigma that if a woman can’t orgasm during sex it means that the guy is bad at sex.


It seems to me that the general consensus is if a woman can’t orgasm during sex it means that the guy is bad at sex. But it’s not always that simple. From my experience there’s 3 components that will determine if she has an orgasm. The first one is some women cum very easily. Simple as that. Whether you are good or bad at sex, they will most likely cum either way. And some women it takes a lot more work for them to finish. The next component is her own effort level. Did you know that you can masturbate while you are having sex? SHOCKING RIGHT. Some people masturbate while doing sexual acts to stimulate themselves which will eventually make them finish. And the last component is the actual experience and effort that the man puts into it. This is the part that everyone assumes is 100% of the factor which it’s not but it is still very important. The actual effort and experience of the man you are having sex with can definitely make you orgasm more than with others.


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