‘They hadn’t paid yet’: Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha – FAIL Blog – Armessa Gifs & Memes


There are a few confusing actions on the Karens’ part here. As some readers have mentioned, ordering eggs benny without the hollandaise is just a poached egg on a bun. Usually, these would be available on the menu for cheaper anyways, so there’s no point in even going through the entire ordeal of “sampling” the sauce like the Karen wanted to. 

Second, on what planet can you dine and dash just because you were ignorant and entitled enough to order from a restaurant that is in the process of closing? You should be punished for trying to sit down and have a meal that close to close, not rewarded. 

‘Still, Karens are gonna Karen, and there’s not much that can be done about it except shutting down their entitled behavior. 

Keep reading for this great story of entitled behavior and some key reactions below. For more, 

via u/motherofredfox



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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


