This video perfectly describes me 2 weeks ago at McDonald’s. I read her name-tag and it was Emma. I will never ever forget her. She will forever hold a special place in my heart. She didn’t even notice i was there, or that i even existed. I’m so in love!!! – Gifs & Memes


This video perfectly describes me 2 weeks ago at McDonald’s. I read her name-tag and it was Emma. I will never ever forget her. She will forever hold a special place in my heart. She didn’t even notice i was there, or that i even existed. I’m so in love!!!

This video perfectly describes me 2 weeks ago at McDonald’s. I read her name-tag and it was Emma. I will never ever forget her. She will forever hold a special place in my heart. She didn’t even notice i was there, or that i even existed. I’m so in love!!!
byu/RockyFoxyYT inmemes


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