Tips & resources to cultivate sex positivity


I’m (23F) a super sexual being. I know this.

I’m also very spiritual, religious and family-oriented, and all of those things, sort of led me to believe that sex belonged in marriage. After a series of life events, lots of questioning, reading, thinking, talking & crying, I no longer believe that marriage changes anything, and sex is okay to have whenever.

I’m also a petite girl, and while I adore my body, growing up it almost seemed that big boobs were the deal lol. I sport a lot so I wear sports bras, and when I’m in the moment with someone, and they’re about to undress
my top, I’m not sure I feel all too comfortable because apparently ‘is it enough for them?’ or ‘they must have expected something else’

I do have a feeling tho that the things we believe start to really live in our bodies. How do I free myself completely of the beliefs I held previously so I can start to have and enjoy sex?


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