Tony Mantor To Film “Why Not Me”: The World Video In Support Of Autism Awareness @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Singer/ songwriter/ producer Tony Mantor’s journey started with a song to boost support for Autism awareness, acceptance and understanding around the world.

Just a few months after the release of his song “Why Not Me” the reaction to his efforts has evolved into a worldwide ambassadorship for this worthy cause.

The first video of the song, which included Autistic people from the Nashville area received so much attention, he has decided to do a video “Why Not Me” the World, which will feature Autistic people all around the globe.

He adds this to the documentary which is already started production to further his ambassadorship for Autism.

Worldwide interest has been generated because of his interviews in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom. Airplay of the song, promoting optimism and self-awareness has generated an anthem to raise Autism awareness, acceptance and understanding. The first music video which inspired the global video is available on YouTube:

Mantor has a long lineage of success in the music industry as an artist, manager, record label CEO, and producer. He has a history of developing emerging artists and songwriters, as well as producing projects with legacy recording artists as well as stars of TV and the big screen. He not only has released Billboard and Cashbox-charting singles as a solo artist, he also has produced over 40 charting records on Billboard, MusicRow, and Mediabase…spanning the genres of country, R&B, AC, Pop, and Jazz. He has won awards as an artist manager and label CEO. His expertise in the industry led him to take part in “The Session Players,” an in-studio documentary.

Tony has long been an advocate for positivity on his social media accounts. He understands the determination that it takes to attain your dreams. His hope is that the message in his music video will help at least one person to be motivated to keep striving for their goals/dreams.

While working on Debby Campbell’s latest release to the UK that is currently # 21 in the charts and the soon to be released single by Donny Most he says, “My goal is to use my platform to help those who need help. I cannot think of a better way to do it than promoting a worldwide message through music.” For more on Tony Mantor and each of his charitable efforts, visit and follow him on social media @tonymantor.

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function statusChangeCallback(response) {
// The response object is returned with a status field that lets the
// app know the current login status of the person.
// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// The person is not logged into your app or we are unable to tell.
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// Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
function fb_login_check() {
console.log(‘Welcome! Fetching your information…. ‘);
FB.api(‘/me’, function(response) {
console.log(‘Successful login for: ‘ +;
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document.getElementById(‘top40-login-status’).innerHTML =
‘Thanks for logging in, ‘ + + ‘!’;


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