Too tight and my bf banjo is damaged


Hi all

My bf and I were in bed last night and he showed me his penis. Where his banjo is there’s like a tear/small bit missing in the middle that connects it.

He said he thinks it’s because I’m too tight (he wasn’t being a jerk btw) but he said he’s been ‘battling’ it the last couple of months but thinks we might actually need to not have sex for a few weeks till it heals.

Is this actually from me being too tight? He has said in the past I’m tight but he always said it as a compliment. And I don’t have an issue with wetness. (Unless I’m just not wet enough to not cause damage) but I don’t really thinks that’s it.

Is there anything I/we can do or thoughts on why it’s been damaged. He said he thinks it could have been from a month or two before when we’d had anal sex and wasn’t lubricated enough. But we also have sex quite a lot so do we need to cool it a bit?

Any advice is appreciated! Thank you


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