Top 3 “Like A Versions” To Win ?riple J’s Hottest 100 Like A Version Countdown @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) As Australian as Crocodile Dundee, triple J’s Like a Version has been captivating music lovers for nearly 20 years. Artists from all over the world travel to the Sydney based radio studio, and perform their rendition of a song that inspires them live, on the only national youth-focused radio station in Australia- and with listeners tuning in from all across the world. 

Now, triple J has inbred Like a Version with their other best export – the annual triple J Hottest 100 Countdown (where people vote for their favorite song released that year). This time, the entrants are solely the 800+ “Like a Versions” that have been recorded in their studio since 2004.

As much as “triple J’s Hottest 100 Like a Version” is an absolute mouthful, this unique Hottest 100 won’t happen again anytime soon, and Aussies are always rapt to have an excuse to have a BBQ with their mates and listen to some tunes, even right in the middle of Winter on July 15, when the countdown is scheduled. But that begs the question, who will win the Hottest 100 Like a Version countdown?

Here are some of the most popular “Like a Versions” that have come out of triple J studios.

Believe by DMA’s (Cher)

Sydney-based rock band DMA’s are most likely to win the countdown with their cover of Cher’s 1998 hit “Believe”, with betting sites across Australia offering Hottest 100 Like a Version odds listing them as the outright favorite. The DMA’s version actually finished at number 6 for the triple J Hottest 100 of that year (2017) and has had over 12 million views on YouTube.

Bulls on Parade by Denzel Curry (Rage Against The Machine).

Floridian rapper Denzel Curry covered Rage Against The Machine’s “Bulls on Parade” back in 2019, whilst performing around Australia for the Listen Out music festival. The cover has also amassed 12 million views on YouTube in a shorter time than DMA’s. Curry just returned from Australia after performing in the Groovin the Moo festivals around the country in April and May 2023, so he will be staying relevant in the voters eyes.

Ausmusic Month Medley by Illy (Silverchair, Hilltop Hoods, Paul Kelly & Flume)

Another Australian artist polled to do well in the Aussie dominated countdown is Melbourne-based rapper Illy, with his medley created for Ausmusic Month back in November 2014 of top Australian songs including:

  • Tomorrow (Silverchair)
  • The Nosebleed Section (Hilltop Hoods)
  • My Happiness (Powderfinder)
  • On Top (Flume)
  • To Her Door (Paul Kelly)

Check out this complete list of triple J’s Like a Versions and you’ll likely see one of your favorite artists covering another great tune throughout the years. The triple J Hottest 100 Like a Version voting ends on July 10 at 12:00pm AEST.

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