Travis: The True Story Of Travis Walton – Playlists

One of the most significant UFO events in history – Travis Walton’s 1975 UFO experience comes alive in this 90-minute …







25 responses to “Travis: The True Story Of Travis Walton – Playlists”

  1. Jenniffer Walton Avatar

    Travis is my Bro In Law , hes a good man. What you have to understand about this event is that in the months prior to it there were several events similar, one involved a high school football bus with a police escort, the team, cheerleaders and other students .

  2. William Masters Avatar


  3. Andreas Pease Avatar

    There is NO way this story is made up.. The Truth rings like a bell.. its not subject to any other authority. Truth can be very uncomfortable, especially when in the face of former beliefs that time has come to reveal the layers of dogma and beliefs that have persisted over the years to be made up for the purpose of control..

  4. Daniel Taylor Avatar

    I don't even know why Klass still has his name mentioned when he was obviously a CIA operative and the media never once told the truth about anything.

  5. ijams sum Avatar

    People should be told the truth of our reality and that must drive abductees who are brave and honest to endure so much ridicule doing so.
    I did not realize so many of us cannot allow themselves to believe the truth of UFOs and abductions that only now is known to be widespread .

    Most abductees do not believe it and try to ignore and for get it happened somehow?
    We honestly do not want it to be true.

  6. Dolores Gonzalez Avatar

    Come to think about it, he does seem like a liar!!!

  7. Tater Skinz Avatar

    I'm an alien and y'all fatties are just jealous cuz I got a cute lil' booty!… HATERS!

  8. Jamie Preston Avatar

    So there was humans or lookalike humans on this craft. Some wore helmets and some didn't. Must be a reason for that. I totally believe all of these guys. No reason not to.

  9. Brioche 🍞 Avatar

    It seemed more like abandoning him than getting help

  10. Texas Painter Girl Avatar

    I wonder if Travis can sense them if they’re nearby now…. Or if they keep tabs on him?..

  11. Texas Painter Girl Avatar

    If it wasn’t true…..the government would not have cared so much and tried to bully him to shut him up.

  12. Brer Rabbit Avatar

    When it comes to claims of abduction, bigfoot, chucacabra and the like, I am super skeptical. I believe these guys and Travis are completely telling the truth.

  13. Adrienne Dove Avatar

    I believe him 100%. My daughter and I saw a UFO one Saturday afternoon earlier this year. She’s 21 so it’s not like she was a kid. Anyway, I proceeded to my aunt, my mom and a very close friend. Boy will I NEVER make that mistake!!! My was kinda neutral but my aunt and my friend told me that all we see was a secret military drone. One asked when was the last time I took my psych meds.I told all of them that we’d never seen any military aircraft move like this thing did. There were 2 of them…one was just hovering in place then all of a sudden, a second one came zooming by the first one going left. It made an abrupt stop and flew back to the right then the one that was hovering just darted off extremely fast. If they were supposed to be secret military drones, why the heck would the government be using them on a sunny Saturday afternoon??

  14. Mark 4M Avatar

    Im a skeptic when it comes to alien abductions, but I don't believe we're alone in this universe.

  15. Joanne Madden Avatar

    It's horrible when you go through something so traumatic and no one believes you. I've been there many times!! I've seen and heard things since I was very young, back then there was no internet, Google. Color tv was just coming out and I was born into a Family that if you couldn't see or hear it, it didn't exist. Now with technology so much makes sense, still some don't believe and I don't waste my time with them

  16. Jay B Avatar

    That poor Klass kid doesn't have his own reality and needs a lot of therapy. It's too bad he has gone thru life being a human doing vs a human being.

  17. Adriano Vasco Avatar

    They infused him with alien DNA.

  18. Chris Contreras Avatar

    Not one person cares about these adds

  19. Alex Adam Avatar

    A Heads up. Never Ever tell anyone "in authority" about an "out of this world" experience you've had. Your life will be a living Hell.

  20. Chad Humphries Avatar

    Its not interesting anymore after Mike saying they made it all up. Travis brother made a ufo looking thing with lights so they would not fail lie detectors when asked about seeing something with bright lights and stuff. Yeah it was all BS

  21. Mary Edwards Avatar

    I believe him Thing he is saying

  22. Melissa House Avatar

    When was this made? I lived in Arizona and loved the movie!!! Because it was about friendship & loyalty to me, but it had that extremely dark & disturbed element and was very frightening. Excellent made film, great actors!!! I read on the web that these guys did another polygraph in more recent years though, and they didn't pass. It was on some show? My NYC investigator business partner believes their story and he's a real alien enthusiast. Myself on the other hand, I love the story but I apply logic and didn't believe. I didn't believe some mean cruel creatures conveniently dropped him off at a gas station when they were done with him. I like the idea & premise, it made for one awesome film, and I like the people (somehow), but I didn't buy along with the story or claim of alien abduction. Maybe something bizarre did occur out of the ordinary, but I think it was money motivated and fame seeking. My scientist dad was into aliens and all this stuff, and generally my mother said we're Irish, we believe in everything!!! But the alien thing didn't fit into my faith with God. I guess it's a matter that I just don't care, not that I believe or disbelieve but that I simply don't care. I did enjoy the film, it was well made and I respected the powerful message behind it, of friendship and crisis. Very good actors too!!! Great movie to watch. I've taken it out from my library, it's held up well. The ending is terrifying as it ever was!!! Logically I don't believe he was with little green men, and if they did things to him in outer space there should be evidence, physical evidence. To my knowledge there wasn't any, just psychological PTSD and trauma, I'm sure the offers helped "cure" his ailments. ☺️

  23. susan furman Avatar

    I believe Travis,and the rest of the crew. None of them had changed their stories. Much respect for all of them.

  24. Christine McCabe Avatar

    John Goulette was a good friend of mine when we lived in Blythe , California. Many memories of hanging out with him and his wife Donna and the kids.

  25. Beatleographer Avatar

    In 1965, 3 friends and I camped out in my grandparent's back field near a wooded area. At some point after midnight, we saw a UFO. It was at an extreme distance in the sky where ID'ing it was impossible. It would glide along making stops for a couple of minutes until it took off at speeds disappearing in seconds. We all woke our parents and grandparents only not to be believed and told it was our imagination, that we didn't see what we thought we saw. With my parents and grandparents not believing us, I never told the story again. If they didn't believe me no one would. This is my 1st in 58 years.