UK Punk Trio Raisin Awareness Addresses The Messy State Of The World In New Video “Never Ending Story” From The Upcoming Release ‘Currant Times’ @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) UK pop punk trio Raisin Awareness has unveiled a music video for its debut single, ‘Never Ending Story’ via Lockjaw Records. The song highlights the disillusionment around the problems we face in the world, encouraging listeners to confront these issues head-on with solidarity and hope.

In the words of Jo D, the band’s lead vocalist, and guitarist, “When you actually sit down and think about how fucked the world is and that you’re part of that mess, it can feel overwhelming. Some of us have gotten very good at justifying our actions due to their convenience, or some of us simply stick our heads in the sand.”

“Lyrically, Never Ending Story comes from my own battle with feeling helpless about the state of the world and not wanting to give up hope that if we come together in solidarity, we will prevail.”

Never Ending Story is the first single from the band’s upcoming album, ‘CURRANT TIMES’ which offers a fresh mix of 80s and 90s punk rock and dance/pop culture, energetic beats, playful tones, and powerful messages about mental health, social issues, and protecting our planet.

“We want to make music that’s fun but also meaningful,” says Jo. “We want to use our platform to inspire change and connect with people who are trying to make the world a better place.”

“….awesome new single from the bright new hope in UK pop-punk, Raisin Awareness. A song of solidarity and hope in the face of a, let’s face it, pretty shitty world.”- Loud Women

“…intense, technical take on skate punk. With nods towards melodic hardcore/skate punk this is a band who revel in the complex but are unafraid of a catchy hook or chorus.”- Punktastic

“Raisin Awareness deliver a powerful musical experience, showcased by their ability to seamlessly blend elements of 80s and 90s punk rock with dance-pop aesthetic, resulting in a fresh and captivating sound.”- Eat This Music

Raisin Awareness is a passionate pop-punk band hailing from the UK. The band formed in 2020 during lockdown when Jo (vocals/guitar) and Rob (drums) seized their creative opportunity. Soon after, Daggi joined on bass, making them an unshakable musical trifecta inspired by bands such as Hot Mulligan, The Swellers, The Flatliners & The Menzingers, and an 80s/90s mashup of genres.

Raisin Awareness are:

Jo D Vocals / Guitar

Rob Piper Drums / Backing Vocals

Daggi Wieczorek Bass

Upcoming Shows:

06/17/2023 – Lexington, London, UK

06/18/2023 – The Butler, Reading, UK

07/15/2023 – The Pipeline, Brighton, UK

11/04/2023 – The Fighting Cocks, Kingston, UK




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