Uncle Tom II: An American Odyssey – Playlists

Uncle Tom II is an odyssey depicting the gradual demoralization of America through Marxist infiltration of its institutions. The film …







35 responses to “Uncle Tom II: An American Odyssey – Playlists”

  1. MSeroga Avatar

    I wish there was an option to watch this in other languages or at least have subtitles for other languages.

  2. Fiery Chick Avatar

    The thing about Rodney King himself, he knew the riots weren’t justified because he knew the truth.

  3. Fiery Chick Avatar

    Young people didn’t feel the fire of Marxism. They were taught and told they should feel the fire. They weee young and foolish and the Romanticism sounded great.

  4. Ttoniee’s Opinion Avatar

    Beautiful! Very good video! I especially enjoyed the exposure of brainwashing by Marxist/Socialist/Communist terroristic revolutionary propaganda! 💚💚

  5. OYT0724 Avatar

    I don't know if it was the Directing or the Editing Director's call to cut the film this way. It feels like the documentary is claiming that everything was fine and dandy until the Civil Rights movement happened.

    Dude, I get that you're upset at the left for deceiving us and using people's bleak history to propagate their agenda. But i think you guys are downplaying the authenticity of the Civil Rights Movement a little too much.

    If I didn't know any better, this film almost feels like a Christian propaganda.
    I say this again. Neither Marxist or Judeo-Christian values are perfect. They both have their strong points and weak points. Not EVERYTHING about Christianity results in 100% perfect things. This Documentary keeps trying to push towards that message and I just have to disagree on that specific aspect.

  6. OYT0724 Avatar

    Wait wait wait wait wait… Let's not forget, racism in American definitely did exist. MLK may have gotten some things wrong, but he was definitely fighting for equality and social justice.
    Also, not EVERYTHING about socialism is absolute garbage. NFL draft is literally a well oiled socialist machine, and it provides opportunities for all teams to do well next season.
    The left politicians absolutely used Rodney King incident to their advantage, but that doesn't mean racism didn't exist or there weren't any dumb cops out there.
    We gotta focus on the foul plays that the left has committed, instead of denying everything that's associated with our political enemies.
    Scientific education is not a sole property of Leftist ideology. You can be a scientist and a Christian at the same time! You don't have to denounce one in order to become the other.
    Being overzealous of one specific ideals will make you a radicalized person, and that goes for both Marxist and as well as religious zealots. Both are a little flawed.
    The trick is the find a balance, not try to eviscerate and demonize the existence of the other.
    Marxist vilified the church, that's why we're in this mess. If the church starts villifying everything that's remotely Socialist, we're the have to go through this never ending wars all over again.

  7. Kevin Smith Avatar

    This may very well be one of the most powerful documentaries of our time. Time to wake up, America!

  8. frankiecrocker Avatar

    I disregarded religion when I was 13, my mother told me to not tell anyone because they'll think that I'm crazy. I'm not an atheist because that is also a religion. Marxism, communism, black lives matter, Al sharpton , race-baiters etc are also religions. I believe in values, truth and a family system, but I have no tolerance for any of these faiths. The only faith that I have is that anyone who looks for followers, power is corrupt.

  9. Symbios Creative Avatar

    My Black people PLEASE STOP STOP STOP falling for this rhetoric. Most of you are successful, productive people of color. If you weren't, you wouldn't even have time to pay attention to, let alone comment, on social and political content. Please believe me when I say that it's not white republicans pandering for your vote, because history shows that they probably won't even get it, it's Democrats that use our "leaders" to get our support. And what have they done for us? Democrat cities are crap! Schools suck, crime is high, resources aren't going to you, and you know it. Please watch this very informative movie with an open mind. We helped build this country. Please don't let wolves in sheep's clothing make you think you don't belong here.

  10. Noa Noir Avatar

    1:28:52 Wow. A mindset change.

  11. Kevin Bailey Avatar

    Remaking these types of movies don't do shit for our black struggling communitys it's only to brainwash more blacks, the GOV. has been the problem for us black ppl all of our lives, our ppl slaves built America with no!! pay!! Our ppl was murdered, hung, women raped, babies killed & kidnaped, white ppl abused there power & wealth we built up for them & end return we don't get anything for all the pain, hurt & suffering we still deal with today because of slavery! All white ppl do is give talks, speeches, lies, promises & sell dreams to our ppl while the GOV. sends & spends Billions & Billions of dollars on other countries every year & brainwash our ppl with low income welfare bullshit that we don't need!! They never!! Give us Billions & Billions of dollars that we deserve so we can get all of our ppl out of proverty & off of low income wages, they don't wanna see us owning banks, grocery stores, land, library's, construction Co. Owning our own corporations that we can hire mainly blacks, brown & white ppl. The GOV. has never invested billions & billions of dollars into our neighborhoods but they built ghettos & low income areas for us & put the drugs in our neighborhoods to keep us down & additive to drugs it's all set up like this for us black ppl they don't want us to ever! come into power or have Black Wealth Power. We should not keep voting Democrat we should come together & form our own politics they need our vote we should not give it to them! We need change we need billions & billions of dollars so we can't invest in our black communitys & future we need separate to form our own & stop spending our $$ with them it's alot we can do if we get serious!!

  12. Symbios Creative Avatar

    Rich Marxists. Wow. Doesn't Patrice Cullors live in a mansion? Geez.

  13. Symbios Creative Avatar

    The farther we get away from goodness, the worse the effect, even if the goodness itself isn't yet perfect. These people are trying to create perfection without goodness.

  14. White Oak Avatar

    Why can't they see what is happening

  15. Lisamarie5814 Avatar

    All I can say is amazin’!

  16. Ricardo Cantoral Avatar

    The desire to covet, white and black "intellectuals", and the great society ruined the black community. I don't consider myself a religious man at all but Marxism is definitely not the answer!

  17. Sheena Scott Avatar

    This is by far the BEST documentary I've ever seen . Amazing❤

  18. Shane Granger Avatar

    WAKE UP EVERYONE! We can't keep allowing these communist agents to control our thoughts and emotions. Its high time to wake up and come back to Jesus!

  19. Lee Clements Avatar

    This is so sad. Every high school in America should have to watch both of these documentaries. People must learn.

  20. Dukediesel Avatar

    The really sad part is that the Russian man talking about how the psychology of communism is true. Even if many watched this movie, watched the old film Anarchy, and saw the truth for themselves, they would still not believe or accept the truth, kind of like accepting the Holy Bible. No matter how much you prove God exist, many people will just not believe. We must pray fervently for their redemption so that their lives won’t be in vain. After all, Satan created communism to steal souls.

  21. steven padilla Avatar

    Whats crazy is last year with over 300 blacks killed by cop in bidens 2nd year, there has been no riots or outrage by the blm or antifa. How strange

  22. Nosis Jones Avatar

    Isolationism doesn't sound like a bad idea now 🤣

  23. Nosis Jones Avatar

    Marxism/Communism got the foot of the European monarchies off the neck of the Jews.

  24. Kunle Avatar

    When the savant Black intellectuals come together and reason, they transcend the core of the problems to the minute detail. Great job Chad O Jackson on this great video.

  25. Scott Filson Avatar

    I was surprised about the truth about Martin Luther King Jr., and why he was killed. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. There's a baptist documentary called Marxist Lucifer King that would be a good compliment to this documentary.

  26. Karen Cronin Avatar

    We are going to watch Part ll this evening. We watched Part l after it came out. It was excellent, as I anticipate Part ll will also be. Thank you.

  27. Smitty 110 Avatar

    This is the Larry Elder propaganda film masquerading as a documentary??? 😅😅😅 More like a comedy posing as a mockumentary of actual documentaries 😅😅😅

  28. cole Avatar

    now WHO is using black america….

  29. olivenboo Avatar

    just from the description i know this is some b.s.!

  30. Jason Wolfe Avatar

    Just started the movie and I really hope the talk about the Cloward and Piven strategy . I only recently found out about this and it shook my world . If you’ve never heard of it look it up

  31. DonTruman Avatar

    Awesome great movie. SO important.

  32. TD Production Channel 1 Avatar

    The story is somewhere in the middle. I totally agree with the narrative about how black folks were making it in the first half of the 20th century. Many of the pictures they share are similar to the ones we have in our collection from our late mom and father. Then on the other side my mom and dad shared stories with me about how in the 50s as federal workers, they had to go to specific banks to buy a home in a specific place in the city (Redlining). My dad telling me that when he got out of the military after WWII and went for a GI loan they told him and many other black soldiers they didn't qualify, or my mom working at the Defense Mapping Center getting passed up year after year even though she was the most qualified. Again the solution is somewhere in the middle.

  33. W S Avatar

    Whatever your beliefs are I will forever stand by the idea that 80% of black people voting the exact same way for the past 40 years has not served their community. Shit them just not showing up in large #'s already gets Dems attention can you imagine if 15% of that 80 showed up and voted different? Dems would be doing jumping jacks on MLK Blvd.

  34. ChildOfGod Avatar

    Sometimes it upsets me how bad thr demoralizing of black Americans has turned, to the point where today trans BlackAMERICANS are more respected than NORMAL BLACK AMERICANS. But it also SAD, how they cant see it its a stronghold that must be broken