Unmotivated to give my GF oral


My GF (29 F) isn’t happy with me (25 F) going down on her less. It’s not that I don’t want to please her. It’s that I’m bad at it and she doesn’t want to tell me how to get better so I get insecure and lose motivation to get better. The first time I went down on her she stopped me and said I was awful at it. Ok, fair. I haven’t given oral much before so she wasn’t lying. She said she didn’t want me going down on her until I got better at it because she didn’t want to deal with my “fumbling.” She said I needed to watch videos. The problem is I don’t really learn that way. I also need real time practice and feedback as I’m doing it to get really good at something. I did watch the videos and even took notes but when I tried again to give her oral using the new techniques she stopped me and it was the same thing. She said she didn’t believe I watched the videos and that it “should be easy for me.” It should be something I already know how to do because we’re both women. I told her I really needed some feedback from her on what I’m doing right and wrong but she said it is annoying for her to do that. So after those first times I have stopped trying. I don’t want to be like that but I don’t know how to get her to actually teach me what to do without looking dumb and incompetent.


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