Unsigned Pop Twin Duo Set To Premiere One Of The First Music Videos To Feature New XR Technology @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) New York City based unsigned pop vocal duo, Twin City, will be debuting their “Like a Rocket” music video at a screening at the Producers Club Theaters in Midtown Manhattan this Friday, May 12th, 2023, and the technology used to create the video is groundbreaking.

After writing the video script, the twin sisters, Anjali and Bhavani Pitti of Twin City, and their manager, Damian Dustin, hired production companies WSPR Creative and Austin Hein Productions to actualize their vision.

Filming at Stellar Studios in Fairfield NJ, the production teams used a combination of LED volume and green screens in order to create real-time in-camera VFX. According to WSPR Creative’s Tyce Hoskins, “We achieved a world-first by using the LED wall as a light source on Twin City with the green screen, resulting in an unparalleled level of realism.”

“The use of XR virtual production technology in the ‘Like a Rocket’ music video represents a major step forward in the world of music videos,” said Hoskins. “This cutting-edge technology is relatively new and has only been used on a handful of major film and television projects, such as Game of Thrones (House of the Dragon)™ and The Mandalorian™. WSPR Creative is proud to be one of the few companies in the world using this technology for music videos.”

Twin City’s “Like a Rocket” music video will be regarded as one of the first truly innovative examples of what is possible by using XR virtual production technology. The premiere screening will run from 7pm to 9pm this Friday, May 12th on the second floor at The Producers Club. Limited free tickets are available at Eventbrite.

Since emerging in 2022 on New York City’s electro-pop scene, Twin City is already blazing an auspicious and promising path in music while turning heads with fresh hooks, velvety harmonies, a retro-futuristic sound, and their surprise micro pop-up shows that thrilled unsuspecting audiences throughout Manhattan. Twin City consists of singer songwriter twin sisters, Anjali and Bhavani Pitti. Currently, they’re working on a four song EP while focusing on booking domestic and international shows, as well as promoting the “Like a Rocket” music video.

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