Used to finish easier, now it takes more effort on boyfriends part


This is on a throwaway. And I could really really use the advice if anyone has any.

So I 19(F) and boyfriend 21(M) have a pretty good sex life. He’s very attractive so I tease him a lot and always kinda wanna get things going, so we do it when we can.

He’s also very good at cunnalingus, to me atleast. He’s still a guy and this isn’t his anatomy, but he does very well. He’s even taken constructive criticism fairly well when I’ve helped him out.

I used to finish from just his tongue alone, just about every time. It used to get me there. Nowadays I noticed that although he does get me incredibly turned on, I still have to go in with my fingers and rub, and with his help, I finish.

I love him and I know he loves doing it, I just know his jaw gets tired and I know that he may secretly feel bad about not being the sole one to get me to finish nowadays.

Has anyone ever had that happen before? It was really easy to finish from cunnalingus at first and now you kinda have to do things on your own?

I don’t know what changed. The only thing is that I’m on Nexplanon, but it hasn’t effected my sex drive I don’t think. I still desire him just about every second I see him, but I have no idea. Maybe my anxiety?


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