Using lube during sex doesn’t mean I am turned off!


I have had several partners tell me this: “Well if you have to use lube that means you’re turned off, what am I doing that’s not attractive to you?”

First off, some of us gals are frickin nervous, I am nervous, and as much as foreplay can be fun it just doesn’t work for me when I’m nervous. I am NOT turned off! The fact that some people take offense if I go for lube to make sure I’m wet enough to not be in discomfort during sex is jarring to me. If a guy loses his erection I don’t take that as them being turned off I usually take it as them being nervous or their mind might be somewhere else, who knows, but I don’t jump to the offense and get angry.

Why is it so taboo to reach for lube? It frustrates me as someone who struggles to get wet, and I want to know why this quick jump reaction is so common.


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