V/H/S 99 – Playlists

A teenager’s home video leads to a series of horrifying revelations.








29 responses to “V/H/S 99 – Playlists”

  1. Atlas Avatar

    Really enjoyable bite sized horror stories. Definitely worth the buy if you wanna cozy up with a fellow horror fan and have a fun evening

  2. Jessie Avatar

    Eh, I liked this more than Viral or 94. The sorority one really stuck with me, probably my favorite segment. I liked "To Hell And Back" too. Can't help but love Mabel, and some of the banter made me laugh while the scenery kept me creeped out. Just don't go in expecting it to be like 1 or 2.

  3. ROB’S ADVENTURES 713 Avatar

    Don’t waste your money on this movie absolutely horrible stupid ! You’ll be begging for you hour and forty nine mins back in life. VHS and VHS 2 100 times better.

  4. Jeffrey Truckenmiller Avatar

    Fuck this movie lol

    Medusa???? 😂

  5. Clovis Lofton Avatar

    I thought this was the weakest of all five vhs films, even vhs 94 was sustancially better. Even though, it is still definitely watchable and worth watching for the avid fan.

  6. John Donny Avatar

    Good addition to the excellent anthology franchise. Not my top entry but if you did a top 10 of all the segments in the franchise i think the sorority segment along with the game show would be in the mix to be in that group.

  7. Rory Q Potter Avatar

    Why is it the main group that is involved with the tapes suck? Like, as people? First movie were those guys who got paid to assault women, then the PI who didn’t care if he committed B&E, now these teens who were pressuring the younger brother into becoming a creep.

  8. Ashten Bahr Avatar

    Like bro vhs viral was better than this 😢

  9. Ashten Bahr Avatar

    I can’t believe I just paid money to watch this. Compared to the first few vhs installments this feels like a middle schoolers intro to film class project

  10. Joe Xiong Avatar

    I like the 1st and 2nd of VHS. It was more entertaining and the acting was better!!!

  11. The Julian Show 2 Avatar

    The best one by far was Ozzy’s Dungeon definitely put it up there with The Subject, and Slumber Party Alien Abduction in my opinion, another great vhs movie and I can’t wait for V/H/S 85.

  12. d forman Avatar

    The part with hot neighbor is the best one by far. You can tell the actors were having fun lol

  13. Skeletal Wish Avatar

    Not gonna lie, I actually really like this one. I liked how Ozzy's Dungeon is an homage to the 90's Nickelodeon game shows, but dark. Glad I decided to rent it!

  14. Dirty babies Avatar

    Damn that was horrible ima see if I can get my 4 bucks back

  15. fluk kuk Avatar

    holy cringe in the beginning jesus fuck

    edit: only made it 30 minutes in. had to quit it sucked so bad.

  16. Cole Smith Avatar

    Prob the worst film in the series so far. Corny as hell

  17. Jon Miller Avatar

    my biggest complaint is why did they put in that crappy stop motion with the army men. i just feel having something filmed that gawd awful was released next to independent film makers that put more effort into their parts. im not going to say what classifies for what's a good horror movie but i liked what was brought to the table. you might not like it but i appreciate it for what it is

  18. JET-LIFE MUZIK Avatar

    VHS NEEDS TO GO DARK AGAIN!! I just watched the new VHS movie. VHS’99..man the original two movies on Netflix to me were underground classics. I love what they did with the found footage genre. The following two were a drop in quality but still not horrible. ‘94 was something new but underwhelming. This is just the pits. Quality and production wise it is a major drop off. It seems like it’s trying to be more of a horror comedy than actual horror movie that contains comedic themes. I loved the first two because they seemed like they could happen, seemed like found footage, we’re weird asf, almost like Black mirror weird. These new ones are just to bring for me. I’m sure they will have a follow up. I hope they go dark again. I propose a VHS: Dark Web. Maybe something set in 2012, instead of a camera it can be a web browser, and desktop and it open websites and folders and that’s the main page where will click through videos. Also a lot of sinister dark shit happens on the dark web. Perfect for messed up VHS videos. They need to go dark again man!

  19. Yume Basil Avatar

    I feel like the wrong audience watched this movie. I thought this movie was fucking awesome, and this is coming from a diehard VHS fan

  20. Adrian Gawain Avatar

    Hey guys I know this is a shitty movie, but look on the bright side: TREVOR IS HERE

  21. Dbhgc B Avatar

    I was already laughing!

  22. mariela silva Avatar

    “911?, There’s a girl with snakes on her head”

    Dispatch: how many snakes sir ? 😒😒😒😒

  23. xcLuSiVe_sHoT Avatar

    not gonna lie, thought this was a spoof movie first 20 seconds, i laughed when "joker" was behind the tv

  24. jade blackstock Avatar

    awful movie wasn't worth the 5 dollars wouldn't waste your time with it .

  25. Science Faction Avatar


    Some acts were mildly entertaining or interesting, some were just … bad. Not as good as VHS 1 or 2 though.

    If you love VHS and/or found footage horror then this might be worth for you. Otherwise skip.

  26. 510deshawn Avatar

    The sound at 48:21 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I believe is from “loudest orgasm ever”

  27. Albert Lewis Avatar

    Someone take the bullet for the rest of us who enjoy the V/H/S franchise…let us know if it's worth…

  28. robert tynski Avatar

    pretty bad…with a lot of it not making any sense. It doesn't even qualify as "so bad it's good"; it's just BAD, really bad.