vibrator doesnt feel anything when pushed all the way inside


so i recently bought this insertable [vibrator]( and its pretty strong. i can orgasm through clit stimulation from it and i’m trying to test it out inside because i havent tried a vaginal orgasm yet. it’s 4 inches but more on the thicker side (as you can see from the photo reviews). the vibrations are spread throughout the entire toy,

however, if im putting it inside, it only feels good if it’s 1 – 2 inches in (i can feel the vibrations) with the head of the toy still poking out. however, if i put it all the way in wherein only the string is visible, i cant feel anything remarkable at all. it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t feel good, it’s just… there. i can feel the vibrations slightly but it’s like i can ignore it.

a note i’d like to make though is that i did get a peeing sensation after a short while with the toy inside. i let out a gush of liquid to the point where even the toy was forced out of my vagina 😭 i doubt it’s squirting though because it didn’t feel anything like an orgasm.

i’d like to ask, though, is it normal to not feel anything once the toy’s all in? i have no idea why it happens. can you also get an orgasm if the toy is only \~2 inches in?


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