Virginity + Overwhelming pain


I (19F) lost my virginity to my boyfriend (19M) last weekend. It was really enjoyable after a while, but the first maybe minute or two were so unbearably painful, like a deep stinging sensation. So bad I thought I was going to have to tap out.

My period then came, so we didn’t try again. My period ended last night, so we went for it again. The same thing happened. Going in, the first minute or so hurt so bad, so much so I had tears in my eyes. But after that, it was great.

I’ve told him this and he’s pretty worried because he doesn’t want to hurt me, and feels bad that I have to sit through that hellish stinging sensation first.

Why might this be and what can we do to combat it? It’s not a lack of foreplay i’m pretty certain. Is it just a lack of practice / experience? Something that’ll just be easier over time?


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