was i rude to have left instead of staying and explaining


okay so i’ve (23f) recently just got out of a relationship and wasn’t in the correct head space to date or even causally see men, but one of my friends introduced me to her friend (27m) and we immediately clicked. we met once with her and then two times on our own.
it was going really well and he made me feel very comfortable and never made any unnecessary sexual advances, he was being sweet and considerate and is very good looking too so i was started to get attracted to him. anyway, we met for dinner and drinks and it was going super well, he was ticking all the boxes and he even got me flowers! one thing led to another and we ended up at his place. i wasn’t drunk, i was one level more than tipsy and he seemed fairly sober.

we started making out and that was the first time i’d gotten so close to him physically and i noticed a funky smell. i couldn’t quite put my finger on it and i thought it was outside smell (whatever that is lol) but as i unzipped his pants it hit me and i gagged completely because of reflexes and then looked down and it was bright red and with what looked like patches of dry skin on it. i excused myself to go to the bathroom and tried to stall so i could think of what to do. after 5-6 minutes i came out and said “did you want to go as well?” in an attempt to make him check himself out, but he said no and pushed my head down towards his penis and i almost gagged again because the smell was so strong and it looked so .. off . like swollen and sore, but i didn’t want to be rude so i said i feel sick and wanted to leave and he immediately got defensive and said you can’t just give me blue balls and leave you have to finish what you started. so i left.

the next day he had texted to ask if i’d want to come over again and i haven’t replied.

update : i told him he might have a yeast infection and it’s always good to get it checked out and he said this happens often, so i asked why he doesn’t do anything about it and he said he’s never really had an issue with it and neither have the girls he’s been with. ??? what? that HAS to be a lie. so either he’s never really been with women before or the women he’s seeing are blind and don’t have the sense of smell. can’t be anything else. dodged a bullet with this one damn


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