Watch Tank’s NPR Tiny Desk Concert @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) R&B sensation Tank graces the stage of NPR’s renowned Tiny Desk Concert. Known for his soulful voice and undeniable talent, Tank delivers a mesmerizing performance that goes down his treasure trove of hits.

This eagerly awaited event follows the release of his last studio album, R&B Money, the success of the R&B Money Podcast with J. Valentine, and an impressive streak of seven #1 hit songs.

Tank’s appearance on NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert is an exciting milestone for the R&B superstar. It follows another great performance where he sang backup for the legendary Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds, one of his biggest inspirations and a long-time friend. Renowned for its intimate and stripped-down performances, the Tiny Desk Concert series showcases the raw talent of musicians from various genres.

Tank’s soulful and passionate voice and impeccable songwriting skills make him a perfect fit for this highly esteemed platform that features the background accompaniment of Luke James, Brooke Valentine, and Lonny Bereal.

With a career spanning over two decades, Tank has consistently delivered hits that have resonated with fans across the globe. Tank’s achievements speak volumes about his talent and dedication to his craft. He has consistently dominated the charts and captured the hearts of fans. His distinctive sound, smooth vocals, and heartfelt performances have made him an iconic figure in the R&B genre.

In addition to his musical endeavors, Tank has found success in the world of podcasting. His collaboration with J Valentine on the “R&B Money” podcast has garnered a dedicated following. The podcast delves into the ins and outs of the music industry, providing listeners with exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes stories.

Tank’s engaging personality and wealth of industry experience make the “R&B Money” podcast a must-listen for aspiring artists and music enthusiasts.

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// This is called with the results from from FB.getLoginStatus().
function statusChangeCallback(response) {
// The response object is returned with a status field that lets the
// app know the current login status of the person.
// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
if (response.status === ‘connected’) {
// Logged into your app and Facebook.
} else {
// The person is not logged into your app or we are unable to tell.
document.getElementById(‘top40-login-status’).innerHTML = ‘Please log ‘ +
‘into this app.’;

function checkLoginState() {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {

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}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’));

// Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
function fb_login_check() {
console.log(‘Welcome! Fetching your information…. ‘);
FB.api(‘/me’, function(response) {
console.log(‘Successful login for: ‘ +;
var metadata = {
user_id: Top40userid
Intercom(‘trackEvent’, ‘FB-login’, metadata);

document.getElementById(‘top40-login-status’).innerHTML =
‘Thanks for logging in, ‘ + + ‘!’;


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