What can I do to not get squirt on the sheets/mattress?? Any good products?


Half the reason I take so long to cum is because im subconsciously trying to hold in my squirt (that makes no sense I know) because I dont want to make a mess but then I end up not caring at the end and it always comes out and leaves a huge wet spot and its honestly gross but i cant control it.

I want to be able to not worry about making a mess but even with a towel it still seeps through because its just not absorbent. Without a towel? Goes straight into the mattress… made that mistake once.

Mattress pad probably wont cut it either and I doubt those are made for constant spills and washes.

Is there anything good? I dont want to use like a puppy pad cause that’s super unsexy lmao. Just soething really absorbent that I can put under me so I dont have to worry about it getting on the mttress

What does everyone else do if you squirt? I feel like this issue doesn’t come up in this sub but i’d think its a common one


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