What do I do? Boyfriend is not very seductive.


I 23f brought up to my 24m bf that I want to be seduced and I think we have talked about it many times but in different ways. The first time I might have mentioned it briefly and then another I started a conversation about what we like sexually, like our kinks. We shared and we got somewhere a little, although I didn’t like everything that he did. We made a list of things we wanted more of and he did a few things I liked, like pulling my hair and the sex was more aggressive/rough. I told him that he could spank me if I was misbehaving/ disobeying. Well he did. And when he did it, I realized I didn’t like it. Maybe not coming from him or maybe not at all? Couldn’t tell, but his energy when he did it came off as trying too hard :/. I couldn’t take it serious. And maybe I just can’t take him serious because he’s very giving and loving so it’s hard to see him doing that? But I also said I wanted to be teased on my list and I went into detail. He’s not good at withholding from me and then surprising me with something suggestive or sexual. I usually seduce him. It doesn’t take much. He gets hard from me looking at him and gives in easily. I need mystery and tension. I guess I want to chase a little and to be dominated. I want those two modes of sex. Also, no matter what and how I try to teach him, he’s just not coordinated enough to apply the right pressure on my coochie. What do I do? I’ve talked so many times about it. It’s somewhat sexually frustrating.


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