What do you consider a very high sex drive in men and women ?


I was married for 10 years in a dead bedroom because my husband never wanted sex. We would go on 3 week vacations and not have sex at all. I just got back from a trip with my bf of 6 months. During the duration of the trip we made love about 7/8 times a day. Pretty much whenever we went back to the room we fucked. He told me that he thinks I have a high sex drive – he hasn’t been with any woman who wants sex as much as me. He doesn’t know if his drive is high or just average and my exs was really low. I think his is very high. And the quality of sex is mind blowing . When we returned home and fucked one more time before leaving eachother it was the best time from the entire trip. 😃 is this just normal for new couples in love ?


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