What has James Horner composed outside of soundtracks? Concerto for 4 horns and orchestra (2015) -Playlists


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**James Horner – Collage: A Concerto for Four Horns and Orchestra (2015)**

Here below you find a recording of David Pyatt, John Ryan, James Thatcher, Richard Watkins (solists) & London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Jaime Martín.

[(YT) James Horner – Collage: A Concerto for Four Horns and Orchestra (2015) with beautiful landscapes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_OBtbNCajA&ab_channel=ClassicalMusic%26Soundtracks)

James Horner composed this piece in 2015, when he was 62 years old. It’s the last concert work of the composer, which was commissioned by the orchestra Houston Symphony. He died shortly after the premiere of the piece at the Royal Festival Hall.

This discussion is the first of a series of discussions to learn what the famous soundtrack composers have written outside of soundtracks.

If you know other concert works of James Horner you can write their titles in the comments here below.

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