What positions are good for an obese female and a skinny guy with a smaller penis do?


I went to this guy’s house again last night. We ended up making out and going into his bed. I gave him a blowjob and he asked if we could have sex. I am (was?) a virgin. I wasn’t necessarily in the mood but I was okay with doing it. I took my pants and underwear off. He wanted to see my boobs and I let him see them. He sucked my boobs for a little bit which didn’t really do anything for me. He fingered me and touched my vagina for a while. He got on top of me and he tried to get it in but he couldn’t. I tried helping him out but it didn’t work. Anyway we ended up just cuddling and making out a little bit again. I sucked him off a little and then we tried again. He did get it in but he was only able to do it for like 15 seconds because it was hurting me really bad plus he didn’t have a condom on. I asked him if he could put one on and he did. Ge tried to put it again but he couldn’t. Then he was like let’s just cuddle. He did finger me and suck on my boobs a little bit. After that we fell asleep. I’m not sure what happened. I’m like 265ish (unfortunately ughh) plus his penis isn’t really that big. We tried doing it in missionary. I thought about getting on top of him but I was scared I would crush him. He texted me and said it’s hard for him to be on top because he doesn’t have control of his right arm (he can’t really use his right arm).


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