What to know before losing Virginity to somebody who’s quite big where it counts


I (17F) have been with my BF (17M) for the past three years and we’ve had a fantastic relationship and I love every minute of it.
In recent times we’ve been experimenting with more sexual things with each other making out in underwear, grinding, sexting etc. I’ve really enjoyed all this cause to be perfectly honest I’m a very horny girl and he is a very hot guy so I recently suggested we try actually have sex together and he agreed and said he thinks it’d be fun, we haven’t decided on a date or anything to do it just that we will at some point soon.
However whats begining to trouble me is that from trying out some other sexual things with him namely I have him a handjob this morning (a first for both of us) Ive began to discover that this dude is packing! I ended up giggling about it and we measured cause well we are horny seventeen year olds that find that stuff funny and he had a good 7 and a half inches there. Me being paranoid as always googled averages and learnt that that is considerably above average and since I am a virgin I’ve began to get quite concerned about having sex with him. Will it hurt more due to his size, will it even go in alright ? Will it be enjoyable for both of us.
Really I’m just wondering if there’s anyways to make it a more enjoyable experience and is there anything I should expect. Also cause I’m clueless any other general sex tips are much appreciated.
Thanks for any help!!!


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