What’s the best way to compliment a penis?


Okay this is kinda silly but I’m trying to be a good partner.

Both me and my boyfriend are virgins and haven’t done anything yet at all, we’ve talked about it and hope to start soon though.

I asked if he’s nervous about anything and he said only thing really is me seeing/touching his dick and what I think of it and his body in general but specifically the dick. He said he would be nervous about lack of experience If I wasn’t also a virgin but since I’m in the same position as him it takes the pressure off.

He also reassured? Me that there’s no major reason for this worry, like he doesn’t have a deformed dick or anything it’s just general worrying and overthinking. 😂

So I still have no idea what his looks like, but let’s say it’s not huge, what do I say about it then? I mean I know I could go on and on about how great it feels and I love X act or whatever.

But thinking about me personally, yeah he could say I’m tight, wet etc whatever and that’s great, but I’d like the aesthetics and stuff complimented as well because of course it feels good that’s what it’s there for.

Same I’m thinking applies to his dick, I’m going to like playing with it and having it in me because that’s what it’s there for. That’s not really a special compliment “you have a functioning penis” lol. I cant imagine those compliments exclusively would be fulfilling.


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