When do you guys go about telling a potential SO about your promiscuous past?


Context: my(F22) ex(M22) of 2 years ended things with me recently. The main reason is because I kept my true promiscuous past from him. I didn’t tell him the entire truth until one year into the relationship.

What I did tell him: I’ve performed fellatio on ~17 different guys, at different times, and all from house parties… He was fine with this.

My true promiscuous past that I kept from him and later admitted to: I performed fellatio on a *total* of several strangers (~17) in 3 different sessions at sex theaters.

He told me I should be ashamed & embarrassed of myself for my past, and that my past will always define who I am. That he’s shocked I would “stoop so low and disrespect [myself] like that.”

He’s also told me that he hopes I can be transparent about my past to any of my future potential boyfriends—something I couldn’t do for him.

The last time I’ve ever seen him, his mom told me that I don’t need to be telling people about my promiscuous past, and I have the right to keep that to myself…

So, the question: at what point do you guys decide to reveal or not reveal your promiscuous past to your potential SO’s? Are you always going to transparent about it or do you never choose to?


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