When I [25] was with my ex-girlfriend, my libido was always high despite having sex a lot. Now that I’m single, my libido is low. Thoughts?


I was having raw sex this past year. Great, amazing fucking sex.

I thought about her a lot when I wasnt with her and always wanted to have sex with her 24/7. At one point we had sex 6 times in one weekend and on Monday I still wanted more. Of course I thought about having sex with other women, or fantasize i mean.

But I’m single now, not getting laid, and masturbate once week.

And I don’t often get boners. I havent been single in a while but I recall my sex drive being super high when I was single before. 4 years ago. It controller me 100%. Always craving something.

I feel like I should be that way right now but I’m not. I struggled to get hard. And I really want to. But I get hard maybe once a day. Don’t have random boners anymore.

Could there be something wrong?


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