Why am I no longer enjoying orgasms?


My (F33) orgasms no longer feel intense and I do not not why.
Just until 1 or 2 years ago, having an orgasm felt great. I could drag it out and sincerely enjoy the feeling all across my body. Increased body heat, fast heartbeat, pulsing across my private parts and of course a sense of satisfaction and relaxing once you are slowly coming down from that high.
That high is gone.
I do get an orgasm but it is more like a tiny peak and the feeling is gone after a few seconds.
While I understand that the intensity can be different with your partner, I am puzzled that it is the same when mastubating. I have tried to drag it out or do ist “quick & dirty”. Taking my time, taking toys, doing it multiple times and it is all the same: I enjoy it, I reach orgasm and within like milliseconds the feeling just disappears into nowhere.

Physically, besides that I am getting older, nothing has really changed. And while there are some issues with my partner (dead bedroom) and I have a pretty stressful job, my sex-drive remained the same. And anyhow, why would that impact only the orgasm, especially if created by myself?

I am sincerely at a loss and would appreciate if anyone has some advice or experienced something similar.


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